executive coaches

Executive Coaching

What is Executive Coaching?

An Executive Coach acts as your own personal and professional mentor and is similar to a life coach. Corporate Executives, Entrepreneurs, and CEOs can benefit from the help and guidance that an Executive Coach such as Gluck Solutions provides.  Statistics show it.

Gluck Solutions will help you develop optimal business plans, refine your communications skills, and clearly visualize your goals. That’s just the beginning…

Why do you need Executive Coaching?

The needs of executives are inherently different than the needs of the rank and file – but you know that already. Here we have developed a keen sense for all sorts of business and personal problems that may crop up in an executive’s day-to-day life.

We have worked with executives from all over the world, and we have been doing it successfully for more than 35 years. If you are an executive, our Executive Coaching program WILL make you more successful and efficient in both your professional and personal life.

Here are three sample results you can expect as a direct result of having an Executive Coach on your side:

  • Greatly enhanced management skills
  • Vastly improved communication and interpersonal skills
  • An increased ability to identify weaknesses in your own life, and the lives of those around you (yes, that includes your competition)


Six Ways an Executive Coach Can Help You Reach Your Professional Goals: 


Clearly identify the core things which you wish to achieve in your role as executive. Once those core objectives have been defined in a definitive sense, through our specialized Coaching methods you will soon begin to implement them professionally and above all successfully.


Accept only the best, personally and professionally. Your working life – just like your home life – is continually evolving especially in the role of executive. An Executive Coach can help you take things to the next level. Satisfaction, not contentment, is the state of mind you need to achieve.


Not everyone has the skills needed to be a successful executive, but if you if you bring an Executive Coach into your professional life you will soon find out if you’ve got what it takes. Your Coach will eliminate the distractions from your life and keep you consistently motivated and focused on your goals to help you become a bona fide executive success.


Solid negotiation skills are vital for any executive, but those skills don’t come from nowhere – they are taught, and, therefore, perfectable. An Executive Coach will teach you the foundation behind good communication and negotiation, as well as the art that lies behind top level negotiation skills.


Send a message to those who work with you and around you and those who work in opposition to you too. Send a strong message that will be received and understood. Your Coach will teach you how to adapt to the communication style of the receiver so that your message will be heard and – most importantly – listened to.


Executive Coaches show you how to create strong personal and professional bonds while maintaining your independence and integrity. Learn how to say “no” without weakening any relationship.

Contact Dr. Errol Gluck of Gluck Solutions for more information on Executive Coaching and for hypnosis in NYC.