Hypnosis And Seasonal Affective Disorder

My name is Dr. Errol Gluck. I’m an executive life coach and clinical hypnotist practicing right here in the New York City area for over thirty six years. Have well over 100,000 clinical hours and I want to tell you about something that people are suffering today. It’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder. It comes especially in this brutal winter from a lack of sunshine and from constant colds.

Now outside of pragmatically taking more vitamin D, hypnosis can and does affect the way the brain interprets what is happening with this lack of sun and this coldness.

You can change the brain, you can change the way it thinks, and you can actually seriously adjust this particular problem that New Yorkers face. I can shorten the winter for you.

To learn more about how hypnosis can help you call Dr. Gluck at (212) 599-3195.

Use Hypnosis to Quit Smoking Instead of Vaporizers and E-Cigarettes

electronic cigaretteWhen people are addicted to smoking they come up with many ways of justifying their addiction. The latest way of excusing the nasty habit is vaporizers and e-cigarettes.

Often marketed as the sleek solution to out-of-style tobacco, vapor is the cool man’s cigarette. But don’t be mistaken: it is still providing nicotine and other harmful chemicals to your lungs.

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Hypnosis for Stress

Is stress overwhelming you?What do you do when you have a million things going on at once? I call that needing a drink — unless you’re coming to me for alcohol.

First thing you need to know about stress is it’s like money – you need a good deal of it to live in this world, but too much can make you go crazy.

No matter how capable you are, you’re going to get stressed. And that stress will get the better of you. You’ll shut down. You might not do it consciously. Since mind and body are genetically programmed to heal themselves by cooperating with each other, don’t put yourself in the danger of letting one go neglected for so long that your overall balance goes under.

Respect the needs of both. The untapped power of the mind is only beginning to get full recognition in medical communities and media outlets. If your poor thinking is exacerbating a painful, traumatic, or generally stress-inducing circumstance, I’ll train you how to think differently so you get what you need and want.

Hypnosis is a place for you to get re-energized, see your responsibilities clearly, and act in a way that you won’t regret. Call me at (212) 599-3195 to learn more.