Hypnosis for Sex Addiction

Addicted to porn online?Do you spend a lot of time by yourself, viewing pornography, masturbating, arranging sexual encounters, fantasizing about , engaging in “cyber-sex,” fantasizing about relationships in which you have total control and acting on these fantasies aggressively?

Are you incapable of feeling remorse or guilt when you lose control of your sex drive, when you can no longer view your partners as human beings but things? And your actions as devoid of consequences?

Some addicts are capable of going steady while entertaining their addictions. It doesn’t help that they’re allowed to do as they please, to keep them happy, because the habits can hurt everybody around — not only loved ones, but professional relationships.

No one can stay with a sex addict, blissfully ignorant of the addiction in between. What happens when the compulsion leads to sex with others who don’t value the sex casually? Wear and tear show. Doubts surface, especially if your partner isn’t present or near. Stalking and obsession take hold, leaving you with the inability to meet your immediate needs sensibly.

These situations may sound melodramatic, awkward, and sappy at their worst, But don’t let those qualities deter you from taking serious action. Just because life doesn’t happen flawlessly, like a movie or a book, doesn’t mean it’s not worth dealing with. They happen.

I have been a successful counselor for both couples and individuals. Listen to your head, particularly in matters of the heart and body. And if your mind isn’t in shape, then I have a strong feeling my methods could improve you and be the perfect match.

Contact Dr. Gluck at (212) 599-3195

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