How Does Hypnosis Work?

When people think of hypnosis, unfortunately they think of stage hypnosis. This is not what real hypnosis is about. Hypnosis is based upon neuroplasticity, which means that the brain can actually change the way in which it receives information when put into a certain state.

During the process of hypnosis there a simply three parts. One is deep relaxation. Two is a form of disorientation where you’re really hearing everything that I’m saying but you’re in a awake and yet semi sleeping state. And the third is where I put into your brain everything that we previously discussed.

You are always in control. You always know what’s being said, and it is always in agreement with what you and I agree on.

And best of all, it works. It forms new neuro-pathways to information, removing fear, anxiety, depression, promoting weight control, the list goes on.

The bottom line is hypnosis is a science. It’s not a magic trick, nor is it something that cannot be seen by medical science such as a PT scan. Try it. Change your life.

Getting Past the Trance Part of Hypnosis

Hypnotizing WatchWhen people hear the word “trance,” they understandably worry a bit. Immediately, their minds jump to pictures of themselves walking like zombies, completely out of control. Who knows what can happen to us when we’re in a trance, right?

The truth is we are almost always in a trance. Whether we’re driving, watching a movie, surfing the web, or cooking, we are always in a subtle involuntary state of semi-consciousness. It’s more rare to be fully conscious than it is to be in a trance.

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How Hypnosis Could Have Saved Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Life

As a lover of film I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Philip Seymour Hoffman. He was a genius actor capable of immense depth. But he also had a highly addictive personality that, as a hypnotist for 35 years, I could see from a mile away.

According to various news sources Hoffman quit his drug addiction back in his early 20s, and only recently relapsed in 2013. For genetic and environmental reasons he couldn’t escape drugs.

Read more about his comments on his addiction.

If you suffer from the same predispositions, go here to learn how hypnosis can help you overcome your addictions and give my office a call at (212) 599-3195.