Hypnosis for PTSD: Helping Your Recover From Emotional Pain

Statue Three Servicemen Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops out of some kind of extreme psychological event that usually involved the threat of injury or death. This can be war, rape, assault, or domestic abuse, as just a few examples.

The symptoms usually show themselves as flashback episodes, nightmares, associating events in your life with that prior event, emotional numbing, despondency, hyper-vigilance, anger, and physical manifestations of headaches, dizziness, and agitation.

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Hypnosis Treatment: How Long Does it Take to Solve Your Problems?

problems and solutions solved with hypnosisOnce you start a course of hypnosis treatment, how long does it take until you solve your problems?

Other than rates, the most popular question I get from prospective clients is how long does the treatment take? The answer to that question is it varies. There are many factors that determine session length, including the issue being treated, the impact of the issue, and your rate of progress. But one thing you have to know is that hypnosis, in general, is a short-term treatment.
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