Can Hypnosis Cure Alcoholism?

I am Dr. Errol Gluck. I’m an executive life coach. I practice neuroplasticity which is clinical hypnosis and I’ve been doing it for over thirty seven years. One of the most common reasons why executives come to me as well as other people is for alcohol abuse.

Now there are four categories of alcohol abuse. One is the problem drinker. The problem drinker is simply someone who drinks too much and in the drinking too much they simply feel sluggish, tired, and very often will act inappropriately. There is no pattern to their drinking and they simply in their actions do not go beyond the scope of something they remember or can’t control.

Next, you have what is called the linear alcoholic. The linear alcoholic is a person that can have a drink or two, but once they pass a certain mark, it could be three or four, they go into full blown “I cannot stop and I will drink until I black out”.

This is where my specialty comes in. I am one of the few people in the entire country that can take a linear alcoholic and actually have them drink just one drink or two drinks a night and never go beyond a certain point.

Next, there is the acute alcoholic. The acute alcoholic is genetically alcoholic. Even if he or she has one drink, they will continue to drink until they either brown out or black out or something bad happens and it is progressive. In this case, hypnosis and coaching is used to eliminate drinking altogether.

I have and I make no excuses or bones about it – the best success rate in the country in all of these areas. If you have a problem with alcohol, I am the solution.

Contact Dr. Gluck at (212) 599-3195.