Emotional Accountability in Life Coaching

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main…

– John Donne

life coaching sign postOne of the key components of life coaching is helping my clients find other people in their lives to propel them to reach their goals.

Supportive family members and friends can provide you with the accountability needed to make the right decisions and attain your goals. So in addition to the work that you and I would do, we would also find people in your life who can be called upon to understand where you need to go and to aid you in getting there. Most often this is a spouse, a partner, a parent, or a sibling. It could be a close friend, or even a peer or co-worker. Whoever it is, he/she should be someone you can trust with the details and desires you have.

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