Emotional Accountability in Life Coaching

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main…

– John Donne

life coaching sign postOne of the key components of life coaching is helping my clients find other people in their lives to propel them to reach their goals.

Supportive family members and friends can provide you with the accountability needed to make the right decisions and attain your goals. So in addition to the work that you and I would do, we would also find people in your life who can be called upon to understand where you need to go and to aid you in getting there. Most often this is a spouse, a partner, a parent, or a sibling. It could be a close friend, or even a peer or co-worker. Whoever it is, he/she should be someone you can trust with the details and desires you have.

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Dr. Gluck Interviewed on WCHE Radio in Philadelphia

Dr. Errol GluckDr. Gluck was recently interviewed by John Aberle on his radio podcast show out of WCHE in Philadelphia.

In this interview Dr. Gluck provided answers the following questions…

  • What is a life coach?
  • What is the typical hypnosis treatment client like?
  • What is it like for someone when they get hypnotized?
  • Can someone who has been hypnotized tap into that hypnotic state on their own?
  • What’s the difference between hypnosis and psychotherapy, and why is hypnosis more effective in many cases?
  • And more…


You can listen to the entire interview right here…

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Small Business Coaching Will Give You the Edge You Need

business coachingWhether it’s a five person accounting firm or a furniture restoration business out of your garage, running a small business comes with its own unique set of challenges. Most people create their own company to pursue a passion or to avoid the rigid, “cog in the machine” feel of working in a large, corporate office but without the proper coaching, it’s easy to let the headaches of small business ownership outweigh the victories.

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Gluck Solutions 6 Life Coaching Tips

Six Life Coaching steps that help reach your goals, Gluck Solutions:

    Clearly identifying your life goals, first in your own mind, then writing them down. STARTING from nowhere is the first step–not a destination. Once goals are defined, develop a clear plan and begin to implement it.
    Accept only the best. Your life is continually evolving, and having a Life Coach will take you to the next level. Satisfaction, not contentment, is the state of mind you need to achieve.
    Many people have the skills needed to be successful, but they are easily distracted from their life course and become disorganized without someone to point them in the right direction. Life Coaches eliminate distractions and are consistently motivated to help you become a success.
    Negotiation is a learned skill, not an innate one. Life Coaching teaches you the foundation, the nuances and the art behind effective negotiation skills.

    Send a message to your clients and peers that will be received and understood. Know the communication style of the receiver so that your message will be heard and – most importantly – listened to.

    Life Coaches show you how to create strong bonds while maintaining your independence and personal integrity. Learn how to say “no” without weakening a relationship.

Contact Dr. Errol Gluck of Gluck Solutions for more information on Life Coaching and hypnosis in NYC.


Gluck Radio at Gluck Solutions

We have exciting news here at Gluck Solutions! Our debut episode of our new podcast has launched. Visit www.GluckRadio.com to hear Dr. Errol Gluck interview the vivacious Hattie Retroage. She is a 76-year-old, self proclaimed “cougar”. She continually sleeps with men more than half her age, still looking for the right person to give her heart of gold to. If you thought that sexuality ended with menopause, think again. This is a must listen!
