Got Holiday Depression? Hypnosis Can Help

Hi, my name is Dr. Errol Gluck, and I’m an executive life coach, clinical hypnotist. I’ve been in practice for 35 years in New York City.

These are the holiday seasons that are coming up and lots of people get depressed and they get anxious, and whatever they’re feeling is magnified. But most people, they don’t even know if they’re depressed and what depression actually means.

How Can Hypnosis Cure Your Holiday Depression?

I want you to think of an accordion when you think of depression. I want you to think that when one is depressed, one’s field of vision — what they see about their own potential in life, what they’re able to enjoy with everyone around them, what they’re not able to enjoy — a depressed person is someone who is not just not functioning.

Some depressed people function incredibly well, but their ability to accept, receive and experience pleasure, to experience new things, to allow new people in their life — without anxiety, without fear, without constant tension –is the difference between functional depression and being happy.

Clinical hypnosis — and I have over 100,000 hours plus — changes the way you think, and it works on the basis of good, better, best, and best of all, the changes are permanent. So, why ask yourself are you depressed? Ask yourself, “Am I the happiest I could possibly be?”

During this holiday season, give yourself that gift. Call Gluck Solutions today at (212) 599-3199.

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