How Can Life Coaching Help You After a Job Loss?

job searchA job is the utmost example of security and stability, and the sudden loss of something that once was perhaps a priority in your life, has left you overwhelmed and anxious. You know what your goal should be – find a new job – but this recent life change can be a blow to the self esteem and hurt one’s pride, therefore making it difficult to motivate yourself to be as proactive as you can.

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Life Coaching: The Significance of Additional Emotional Support

The reason why people seek out a Life Coach is that they are looking for someone who is able to motivate them, and if the Life Coach is worth his salt, the Life Coach can motivate and support in ways their client wouldn’t believe was possible.

My mission is simple; I want to point you in the right direction to help you to achieve your goals, but in order to be successful there is a degree of work that needs to be done on your end.

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Life Coaching Starts With the Brain

Human brain glowing lateral viewThe brain is more complex than any computer ever invented. It is the central operator of every part of you; nothing (well, almost nothing) happens without starting first in the brain. So it makes sense that my life coaching is so brain-oriented.

Call it the hypnotist in me, but it doesn’t make sense to start anywhere else. While some life-coaches like to start you on an exercise program or a new technique, or to refer you to a whole bunch of other consultants, I like to start very simply with your brain. I find the mental habits you have that are restraining you from progress.

I might decide hypnosis is necessary to fix certain problems, but I can also determine that hypnosis is not necessary. I have people who come to me for hypnosis alone, hypnosis and life-coaching, or just life-coaching. But no matter where you land on that spectrum, all my therapy starts with the brain — and nowhere else. Call my office at 212-599-3195.

Can a Male Life Coach Help Women?

There’s this old stereotype that men can’t “write women” because they don’t understand what it’s like. But tell that to Shakespeare, Chekhov, Flaubert, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy! I’m pretty sure they wrote women damn well. Whenever you hear gender hustling, just plug your ears – it’s malarkey.

Are there very real differences between the genders, sure! But assuming that a male life coach can’t help a woman, and vice versa, is pure nonsense.

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Short Term Life Coaching

There’s an article on Salon written by Amanda Stern about life coaching that I like. It features life coach, Matthew Hussey who calls attention to the BS artists out there who claim to have “all the answers”.

According to the author of this article, if you have a life coach who has all the answers, you’re dependent on him. This is a brilliant point.

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