How Can Executive Life Coaching Increase Your Earning Potential?

Increased earnings graphYou are a high-powered businessperson who has already achieved a significant amount of success. You are the living epitome of the American Dream – working hard, supporting yourself, and fairly respected amongst your peers. However, settling for “good” is not the mindset that got you to where you are in the first place. You wouldn’t be the powerful executive you are now if you believed that success has firm limits.

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A Life Coach Reframes Your Life

A lot of the common understanding of life-coaching revolves around the up-tempo coach giving clear-cut advice on “getting your act together.” That is true to a great degree – there should be something of an uprising that a life coach should instill in you. But the first thing a life coach should do is reframe your life.

A lot of people come to my office thinking that their problems define their identity. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In no way, shape, or form are you ever, ever, ever your problem.

This is the first step of my life-coaching process — I get people to recalibrate their understanding of themselves. Self-perception is an important component to improvement. You can have all the ambition, good habits, and positivity, but if you still think of yourself as your own worst enemy, then that will limit where you can go. Call my office to reframe your identity.

Call my office at 212-599-3195 to learn more about my NYC life coaching program.

Toleration, Acceptance, and Desire

When you come into my office for life coaching, I usually have to clarify the difference between three basic concepts: toleration, acceptance and desire.

Let’s backtrack. We all know what refusal is. That is the negative response to how you’re treated. If your husband is physically abusing you, you refuse it by leaving. If your wife is cheating on you for the 5th time, you refuse it. But the gray area comes with the varying levels of positive response to a situation.

What you may think you desire could be something you’re only tolerating. If your husband snores in bed and refuses to see someone about it,  then you need to figure out if that little trait he has is something you desire, something you accept because it’s who he is and you love who he is, or something you’re only tolerating to prevent a fight.

A lot of people present a problem under the false assumption that they already know exactly how they feel about it. A life coach will help you see through the gray.

Give my office a call today at (212) 599-3195 to learn more about my life coaching program.

Balancing Work and Home – When You Need a Life Coach

balancing work and familyMost of us have a pretty good barometer when it comes to differentiating between work and home. Though we are the hardest working country in the world, most of us still know when to take the tie off and put our feet up on the ottoman. But some people don’t know that line. Some people bring their work home with them, or bring their domestic/familial problems to the office.

Now of course, everyone to some extent will have some bleeding between the two; you might have a call to take every now and then while at the dinner table, or you just might have to take an extra long lunch break to deal with your kid’s tantrum. But when that separation becomes too imbalanced, that’s when things get bad.

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Why Would CEO’S Doubt a Need for Executive Life Coaching? Because They Are Ill Informed

I recent stumbled upon an article in the Huffington Post, regarding some CEO’s resistance to seeking out executive life coaching.  To quote the article,

“A recent study by the Stanford Business School found that nearly two-thirds of CEOs don’t receive executive coaching or leadership development. And almost half of senior executives in general aren’t receiving any, either. Paradoxically, nearly 100 percent said they would like coaching to enhance their development, as both Bloomberg BusinessWeek and Forbes reported in recent articles.”

It is understandable that free time in the schedule of a high powered CEO is more than a notion and those who have already achieved a significant amount of success without consulting with an executive life coach may not see the necessity of such a thing, but let me tell you, neglecting to do such a thing is only handicapping your company and limiting your overall potential for success.

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