Clinical Hypnosis for Gaining an Advantage in NYC

When I started practicing in the early 80s, I blended hypnosis with life coaching. It was an unprecedented hybridization. But I believed that in an ever-changing world that was becoming increasingly complex and interrelated, we need to be flexible in fusing different methodologies. This is still a huge demand in NYC. Whether you’ve lived here for ages, all your life; or are settling in, you’re likely to know what I’m talking about!

Traditionally, hypnosis helps for very specific issues. In the modern age, the interrelated issues are impossible to ignore. With me, it is possible to consider the entire picture. For instance, hypnosis can help with cigarette smoking, but can’t tell you what you should do on a smoke-break with your boss. If he offers you a cigarette and tries to be chummy, what do you do? How do you bond? These are life-coaching questions. I will not dismiss them during your treatment – which, again, is highly individualized.

The point I want to get across is that if you are looking to get an advantage in the NYC jungle – or are having an overwhelming amount of trouble adjusting to the pressures of city life – in any way, I urge you to consider Clinical Hypnosis. Together we can figure out the exact causes of your anxiety, eradicate them through one of the most naturally effective methods out there. Learn more on my website! And don’t hesitate to get in touch with me about scheduling your first session.

Clinical Hypnosis for Drug Addiction


Whether you’re afraid of judgment, are avoiding pain or anger, or are lost in self-exploration that’s grown a little too “trippy,” drug-abuse is self-abuse.  Hard to believe, but despite all the information out there reminding everyone to “just say no,” the abuse rate of both prescription and non-prescription drugs isn’t decreasing. The reasons are often related to intensely personal difficulties that can only be dealt with through private, in-depth, one-on-one counseling.

In the 40 years I have been practicing hypnosis in NYC, I have been more effective than conventional rehabilitative facilities in curing addictions to heroin, cocaine, cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. Treatment is not what most people expect! There are no swirling discs involved, or any attempts to get you “very sleepy.” Drug-free and non-addictive, Clinical Hypnosis is rooted in rational cognitive behavioral therapy and in the concept of neuroplasticity, conducted through the art of executive life-coaching.

On average, therapy for drug addiction should take at least 3-5 sessions. The duration depends on how severe the addiction is, along with how intent you are in recovering. Unlike other programs, your individual experiences and patterns of character are taken into utmost account. If the motivation to “get clean” is as difficult as recovery itself, then that’s where you and I will have to start (I am willing to work in conjunction with a physician, if necessary). Regardless of where you are in recovery, that you want to come out for good is good enough to act on your interest in what hypnosis can do for you. Give me a call at (212) 599-3195 to set an appointment.

Hypnosis for Couples Considering Divorce

If you’re a spouse debating whether to fight for your marriage or to divorce and start improving your lives separately, hypnosis can guide you towards a decision. As I always tell couples in therapy, you need to figure out: What do you want, given all the facts of where you are right now and how that might change should you decide to split? Are you both willing to deal with the mess I don’t know any divorce that wasn’t messy. The thing is, how messy does it get and what kind of mess is it; so again, figure it out: What’s the mess gonna look like and how big is it gonna be?

Personally, I have no bias towards one solution over the other. Most mediators are slightly biased toward maintaining marriage even if the husband and wife are clearly content to get a divorces. I, on the other hand, can totally grasp the sanctity of marriage and the adventure of a post-divorce life.

Even couples with awful chemistry and can’t stand each other possess the power to effect change with action. No couple is paralyzed — they might strangle each other in frustration, but they’re not paralyzed. So, if the two of you are feeling a certain irreconcilable tension in your relationship, if it’s just NOT happening for whatever reason, you need to know that whatever happens is in the palm of your hands. You don’t need me to tell you that.

What you do need from me, however, is assessment that gets to a point. The three of us will be working through emotional, biographical, familial, and economic situation in your marriage; until we understand what the mutual desire is between you and your spouse. That desire might be created as we find it, or it might simply be there waiting to be revealed.  Maybe one person is denying a part of himself, maybe one’s sexual needs aren’t being met and they’re mistaking that for lack of love, etc. Whatever it is, there will be a lot of stripping involved. Stripping of obstacles, of defenses, of false assumptions. The list goes on. Are you and your spouse confused on what to do, now that one’s got a foot out the door and the other wants to say “stay” but can’t?

Give me a call and start getting your act together before it’s too late. (212) 599-3195.

Get “Back on Track” Using Hypnosis

Life coaches are always talking about getting people on the “right track.” I’m not fond of the term because, first of all, there isn’t one track that suits a person but all kinds. How does one choose? What should one choose? A single life bends in so many different directions that the right/wrong track becomes irrelevant.

The main step is knowing about the track you’re on already. “Nowhere” is not a valid place to be or go. Then again, It isn’t easy to know what you’re doing as you’re doing it; just because you’re doing it doesn’t mean that you know what’s going on. And that’s all right. Why? Because the less we analyze and expect from the track we’re on, the easily it is to profit from the experience. Anxiety melts away whether or not there truly is anything to be anxious about.

Of course, I’m not diminishing the wisdom of personal assessment and goal setting. I am encouraging you to not get hard on yourself when the path you take doesn’t go your way; look at the other ones before you, or maybe behind you, and don’t fret about the time it takes to give them a shot. The time you took for the wrong shot was not time wasted. You can’t blame yourself.

Remember that I can’t know what the right track truly is for you. You do. I can help you identify that direction on on ou can no more expect a life coach to swoop down and determine the right track than you can expect a man to propose to a woman after only three minutes of knowing her. Life coaches don’t have magic wands—they harness the “magic” power we all have to make our own decisions, which lead to a better life.

I would avoid a life coach who, on the first session, is telling you what you need to do to become the person you want. In other words, any life coach who tells you what the right track is probably isn’t going to get you to where you want to be.

Call my office at (212) 599-3195, to get your life rolling. You won’t look back — unless that’s what you need to do in order to move forward.

Giving up on Finding Romance in NYC? Let Hypnosis Help

The NYC dating pool hasn’t changed. It remains as difficult and merciless as ever. Everyone’s ambitious, sophisticated, and interestingly complex. Yet why are so many choice single men and women perplexed over how to begin a romantic relationship, let alone sustain one? What’s the hold up? Why does it appear impossible for desirable men and women to attain romantic fulfillment?

You’d think with the advent of social media and dating websites, we’d all be happily hunting or finding the people we can mesh with. This isn’t the case. Apparently, regardless of how immaculate our images are online or in-person, we still have to deal with the most critical element of successful dating: Confidence.

Let me reiterate that self-perception is a subjective frame of mind, not necessarily based on or reflective of objective reality. If you want to jumpstart your dating life, I suggest shedding all preconceived notions of selfhood that are keeping you back — drop them immediately — and get fixed on your goals. Sounds easy, but it’s hard to practice. That’s when I come in. Think about this: When you go out on a date, what are you looking to get out of it once it’s over? Another date? A one-, two-, or possibly three-night stand? A potential long-term relationship that might lead to marriage? You have to be clear, if only to yourself, about what you want. If what you want is a combination of different things, that’s  a valid goal in itself.

To clarify, a social phobia is not equivalent to a ‘fear of rejection.’ Everyone has a ‘fear of rejection.’ Social phobias go a little further. They are manifest in the mental and physical withdrawal from groups of people, an inability to function or communicate with them; a kind of human interaction impeding emotional well-being, career development and self-actualization.

Clinical Hypnosis works for highly specific, relentless social phobias. Life Coaching involves dialogues between you and me that trains  you how to engage in social interaction that gets you where you need to be. If anxiety, social phobia, depression or any other mental ailment is bringing you down in your love life, give me a call. You only live once — why do it alone? Start sharing your life with people who are right for you.