How Nutritional Supplements Can Help You Lose Weight, Boost Your Mood and Increase Your Energy

Nutritional supplements offered by Gluck SolutionsOne of the most successful portions of my treatment method is my regimen of nutritional dietary supplements. I offer a wide array of products to help my clients with a variety of issues, from weight loss to mood and energy enhancement.

All of the supplements I recommend are all natural, scientifically proven and made in the U.S. and, you know what?… They really do work!

Although it’s not a necessary part of all treatments, clients looking to lose weight or overcome anxiety/phobias find that this all natural route to solving their problems is exactly the extra push that they need to reaching their goals.

I work with each client individually to find the perfect supplement plan for them. Every approach is tailor made for you and your body which is why my patients and clients have so much success!

Take a look at the products we offer and see for yourself; everything is 100% natural and 100% safe. Give me a call, what have you got to lose?


Hoodia is from the plant Hoodia Gordonii which tricks the hypothalamus into feeling full. Its use as an appetite surpressant was discovered by the San People of the Namib Desert as a technique of surviving the harsh conditions of their surroundings.

Ultrafin burns cellulite by increasing your metabolic rates your thermogenesis (oxidation of body afat), and assists lean muscle tissue maintenance. It is made up of the herbal ingredients Irvingia Gabonensis, Alchemilla vulgaris, and caffeine anhydrous.


Celluloss fights fat right underneath the skin, reducing the appearance of craters and enhancing a youthful, smooth appearance. It’s active ingredients are Ginkgo biloba extract, Uva Ursi and Juniper Berry


Metacore, like Ultrafin and Celluloss, targets cellulite but, unlike those two, is specifically designed for the midsection. People who have taken Phosphacore, Metacore’s active ingredient, have notice 900% more of a weight reduction than those who took the placebo. It limits the body’s fat storing hormone, cortisol.



CLA, also known as Conjugated Linolic Acids, increases and maintains lean musce, decreases cortisol and fat while regulating water weight.

Yerba Prima:
Yerba Prima rids the body of waste and toxins that are stored in the colon, liver and urinary system. It discourages the presence of parasites, yeasts and other harmful matter. The three part nutritional package includes Senna extract, Great Plains Bentoninte, and Psyllium Husks.


Seraton is a natural mood enhancer, sleep aid and appetite suppressant. It contains 5HTP which raises the serotonin levels in the brain, calming and stress and improving mood.

GABA, or Gamma-AminoButyric Acid, induces relaxation while reducing stress, anxiety and sadness. It regulates muscle tone as well which is a plus for those also looking to improve their physique.

DHEA is a hormone produced by the adrenal gands the slows aging, improves thinking skills and eases both sadness and stress. It can also be used for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction

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