Addicted to Video Games? Hypnotherapy Will Help You

When people hear the word “addiction” they most frequently think of the most commonly treated addictions, such as: alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, etc. However, the are other addictions that are also insidious and damaging. One such addiction is video game addiction.

Addiction to video games is very common among the poor, middle class, and wealthy. It robs a person of both their time and their balance. Very often school grades go down and communication lines disappear.

Hypnosis is, by far, the most effective way of dealing with addiction to video games.

To find out how you can get help for yourself or someone you love call Dr. Gluck’s office at 9212) 599-3195.

Use Hypnosis to Quit Smoking Instead of Vaporizers and E-Cigarettes

electronic cigaretteWhen people are addicted to smoking they come up with many ways of justifying their addiction. The latest way of excusing the nasty habit is vaporizers and e-cigarettes.

Often marketed as the sleek solution to out-of-style tobacco, vapor is the cool man’s cigarette. But don’t be mistaken: it is still providing nicotine and other harmful chemicals to your lungs.

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Hypnosis and Addiction to Cosmetic Surgery

Lined face for cosmetic surgeryIn this day and age, cosmetic surgery is just as socially accepted as getting your oil changed. Thanks to modern science and technology, it is completely possible to completely alter your entire physique in absolutely no time at all.

However, there are those who take it too far, and what starts as simply freshening up to make one appear more trim, curvy, or youth, can quickly progress and develop into a severe addiction.

The most notably recognizable transformation in recent history would be the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Many joke he went from looking like a sweet little African American boy, to a Caucasian woman, in the matter of a couple of years. However, such a drastic transformation was clearly symptomatic of many complex, deep-rooted mental health issues and insecurities.

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Hypnosis for a Fatter Wallet and Financial Health

a pile of cashAre you a chronic, out of control spender? Hypnosis can help you get control over whatever it is that is making you buy things you don’t really need in order to feel happy.

I do a lot of hypnosis for weight loss, but the one thing I can help you get fatter is your wallet. What do I mean? I work with a lot of people who come to me with money or “budgeting problems.”

People are misspending their money on things that are ultimately making them financially strapped and unhappy. Believe it or not, I understand what the problem is from the inside since I used to be an impulse buyer myself, but I’ve managed to curb my spending in the recent past.

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