A Life Coach Reframes Your Life

A lot of the common understanding of life-coaching revolves around the up-tempo coach giving clear-cut advice on “getting your act together.” That is true to a great degree – there should be something of an uprising that a life coach should instill in you. But the first thing a life coach should do is reframe your life.

A lot of people come to my office thinking that their problems define their identity. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In no way, shape, or form are you ever, ever, ever your problem.

This is the first step of my life-coaching process — I get people to recalibrate their understanding of themselves. Self-perception is an important component to improvement. You can have all the ambition, good habits, and positivity, but if you still think of yourself as your own worst enemy, then that will limit where you can go. Call my office to reframe your identity.

Call my office at 212-599-3195 to learn more about my NYC life coaching program.

Balancing Work and Home – When You Need a Life Coach

balancing work and familyMost of us have a pretty good barometer when it comes to differentiating between work and home. Though we are the hardest working country in the world, most of us still know when to take the tie off and put our feet up on the ottoman. But some people don’t know that line. Some people bring their work home with them, or bring their domestic/familial problems to the office.

Now of course, everyone to some extent will have some bleeding between the two; you might have a call to take every now and then while at the dinner table, or you just might have to take an extra long lunch break to deal with your kid’s tantrum. But when that separation becomes too imbalanced, that’s when things get bad.

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How Can Life Coaching Help You After a Job Loss?

job searchA job is the utmost example of security and stability, and the sudden loss of something that once was perhaps a priority in your life, has left you overwhelmed and anxious. You know what your goal should be – find a new job – but this recent life change can be a blow to the self esteem and hurt one’s pride, therefore making it difficult to motivate yourself to be as proactive as you can.

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Life Coaching: The Significance of Additional Emotional Support

The reason why people seek out a Life Coach is that they are looking for someone who is able to motivate them, and if the Life Coach is worth his salt, the Life Coach can motivate and support in ways their client wouldn’t believe was possible.

My mission is simple; I want to point you in the right direction to help you to achieve your goals, but in order to be successful there is a degree of work that needs to be done on your end.

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Is There Winning In Life Coaching?

Coaching concept in sphere tag cloudThe word “coach” is deceptive because we typically associate it with sports, where competition and strength is key.

So when you hear the word tacked after “life,” it has to make you wonder: is there a way to win at life? And if so, is your life coach the Bill Parcells, coaching you to a Super Bowl championship?

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