Resolve Your Weight Loss Issues Through Clinical Hypnosis

body weight scaleIn my 37 years of practice as a Clinical Hypnotist, weight loss continues to be one of my specialties! I’m happy that more people are keen to get healthier rather than thinner. They are concerned less about ideal beauty than in the beauty of taking a nutritional direction specific to their individual lives.

Sound reasoning almost always goes hand in hand with a sound body. Although I am not a medical doctor, I am here to get you to the mental place where you will value and take all the necessary actions to better health. As I always say: If you change the way you think, you change your behavior and soon your life. After that, you’ll find others drawn to your new found energy.

During treatment, I take into account your blood type which, believe it or not, says a lot more than you think about your body. Click here for some information on that little-known fact…

We will discuss, intensively, how your personal background plays into the choices you’ve been making in regards to your weight. This is where weight loss hypnosis becomes elemental, rewiring the neural networks in your brain responsible for creating the habits that can make or break your physical stability.

Better Dieting Through Clinical Hypnosis

body weight scaleThe hardest part of sticking to a diet is being on a diet. Having dealt with many people who wanted to lose weight through hypnosis, I know one thing: They all got what they wanted. And more.

They didn’t get fit miraculously through a fad, intense diet. But they didn’t get fit so slowly either that they had to force themselves to like the results when, honestly, they’re wishing they’d had them sooner. You know how that feels. Good things take time, but if it takes too much time, you start to wonder if that chunk of time went to waste. (Pun intended!)

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