Losing Any Phobia Through Clinical Hypnosis

The list of phobias appears endless. At the root of them all is that they are irrational. Of course, a certain dose of skepticism and hesitation is necessary to survival. There is, however, such a response as an overdose of anxiety when coming across a particular object or situation.

Sometimes the causes of the phobia are symptoms of other disorders that the, usually behavioral, phobia has overshadowed. We will address every single piece of your difficulty during hypnotherapy treatment. Remember a transformation of perception changes your attitudes, and in turn your actions; putting your situation in a light that makes sense.

My interview with Joseph Hallinan on Gluck Radio discusses the topic of controlled perception in detail. Please have a listen! As always, call my office at (212) 599-3195 for further info and scheduling.

Hypnosis for Pet Owners

You may wonder: Can I perform Clinical Hypnosis on pets? It’s an adorable question! The answer is no, although I am empathetic to what you might be going through, especially since I am myself a pet owner. Of course there are animal trainers and veterinarians available to you.  Icould refer you to a couple if necessary, during treatment.

However, my professional ability extends solely to you, the human being! Perhaps your relationship is suffering, owing to overwhelming problems in other areas of life. Or perhaps you’ve grown so attached to your pet that you’ve closed yourself to the rest of the world. There could be deep psychological and emotional issues at hand.

The goal, as always, is to be realistic without losing the rewards of bonding with the animal you love. With the combination of Clinical Hypnosis and Life Coaching that I provide, you can reach the mental stability required to take better care of and responsibility for your pet.

Remember: The connection between human and animal is a rare joy that you won’t regret keeping. If you’re interested, don’t hesitate to give me a call at my office: (212) 519-3995.

Clinical Hypnosis Treats Four Types of Alcoholics

can hypnosis cure alcoholismIn my 37 years of practice, I’ve encountered 4 types of alcoholics:

1 – Social Drinkers have little to no trouble drinking occasionally, usually preferring to drink with others. Their reaction to alcohol is close to harmless. Social drinkers tend to be very confident while drinking, given their moderate to high tolerance plus their lack of a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. Neverthless, when emotional crises hit, the temptation to drink can be stronger for those who don’t believe they have the capacity to go overboard.

2 – Problem drinkers may have some to zero genetic connection to alcohol addiction. They rarely black out, cause public disturbances, or fall into identifiable patterns of drinking. The problem with this group involves their volatile susceptibility to binging when they are consumed by a loss of control over some part of their life. Alcoholism develops during transitional times. Drinkers want to escape seemingly “inescapable” problems at hand or to numb themselves while carrying through hardships.

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