Stop Smoking With Hypnosis in 3 Sessions

Break your cigarette addictionWhen I tell people about how hypnosis to stop smoking is very effective and takes only two or three sessions, people ask me, “Why does smoking cessation treatment take so few sessions when other issues take longer to treat?” That’s a very good question.

Let me start the answer by noting that hypnosis in general is short-term and session-based. As opposed to going to a psychologist or a psychiatrist who will often require weekly visits for anywhere from a few months to several years, sessions with me will treat the issue in a matter of a handful of sessions. I want you out my door as quickly as you came in; the only difference being that you’re better.

Smoking cessation, far from being an “easy” thing to treat (nothing is easy or hard – I treat all my patients with the same devotion and ethic), is a very specific and targeted problem.

Oftentimes, it’s a simple matter of the nicotine being both a biochemical stress reducer and highly addictive substance. Very seldom do people start smoking because their mother died when they were four or because they never had any luck with finding a mate.

Smoking isn’t completely isolated of course. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, and one can definitely start or relapse back to smoking during a particular crisis. But my point is that, unlike depression, drugs, and relationship turmoil, smoking does not have the same levels of complexity and psychological nuance that make treatment more intensive and elaborate.

Call my office today at (212) 599-3195, and I’ll get you off the cigarettes in 3 sessions.

Stop Smoking With Hypnosis

Cigarette addiction is one of the most serious addictions that one could have. That’s why it says on the pack “Cigarettes will kill you”.

What you have now are trends of vaporizers, electric cigarettes that blow vapor. At the end of the day, this is not a cure not does it reduce the chances of long term health problems.

Whereas by hypnosis done in the hands of a competent practitioner after two or three sessions you will stop smoking literally for the rest of your life. I personally have a 97 percent success rate, the highest in the country. Change your life, change your health, change the way you think.

Use Hypnosis to Quit Smoking Instead of Vaporizers and E-Cigarettes

electronic cigaretteWhen people are addicted to smoking they come up with many ways of justifying their addiction. The latest way of excusing the nasty habit is vaporizers and e-cigarettes.

Often marketed as the sleek solution to out-of-style tobacco, vapor is the cool man’s cigarette. But don’t be mistaken: it is still providing nicotine and other harmful chemicals to your lungs.

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Hypnosis: Good Enough for Celebrities, Good Enough for You!

In today’s society we’re used to getting instantaneous results. “There’s an app for that” isn’t really an exaggeration for how we live our lives. You can order the week’s groceries without ever leaving your apartment, catch up on all of your friend’s and family’s lives without ever speaking with them, and diagnose your own rattling cough or throbbing headache without ever seeing a doctor.

It makes sense that we would be transitioning from the long and drawn out results of talk therapy to the more time efficient method of hypnosis. Unlike therapy, hypnosis will literally change the way you think so you can begin to change your life with most patients seeing results after the first session. It can be used for a wide array of problems, from addictions and phobias to weight loss and stress reduction . But, don’t just take my word for it!

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