Hypnosis for Anti Aging

GluckRadioNow after reading this title, you need to understand something. Nothing is going to stop you from aging. It happens to even the best of us, and while hypnosis is good, it’s not that good. If you’re interested in the science of aging, listen to the GluckRadio episode I did with anti-aging gerontologist Aubrey DeGrey here! But what hypnosis can do is slow down the effects of aging.

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Can Hypnosis Make You a Better Parent?

Are you a new parent? If so, chances are you’re terrified. You’re probably asking yourself, “Am I ready to be a parent?” “Am I doing this right?” “Since childhoods are so important in forming a person, must I walk around on eggshells around my child?” or, “How do I juggle my job with my parenting?”

If you’re asking these important questions and you’re sincerely concerned about the most important job you’ll ever have, then it is time to quiet your mind with hypnosis.

The Gluck Solutions Parenting Program deals with all the stresses that accompany parenting. There are the issues that hypnosis can treat: anxiety, sleeping issues, stress, etc. Then there are the issues that life coaching can treat: relationship counseling during this turbulent time, money issues, and how to manage a growing family.

There’s no such thing as a perfect parent. There are so many things to consider as a parent that you inevitably WILL make mistakes and miss things. All parents do. There is no need to worry about that — there are tons of roadblocks.

What you do need to worry about are the following:

  • Your health in body and mind,
  • Your well-being, and
  • Your child’s well-being.

In order to accomplish these things, you need an outside eye to give you some crucial perspective in order to make the early years of parent the absolute joy they should be.

Call my office, and be the best parent you can be!

Do You Need Help Writing a Will?

write a willWills are a tricky affair — just ask King Lear. They are complicated because they are both an emotional and a legal/financial affair. They can be used as threats for those writing them, or they can be a source of jealousy among siblings for years. Or they can also be incredibly poignant tokens of love.  They can even be surprises. And, of course, let’s not forget the immense financial reassurance wills can give. Wills have enormous potential both good and bad, so it’s important you go about writing them with astuteness and preparation.

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How a Life Coach Can Improve Your Job Interview Skills

One of the responsibilities of a life coach is professional preparation. So much of our lives involve our professional work, so that means that one of the things I’m helping with you with is either getting a job, changing careers, or developing your current job status.

This means that after we have an outstanding resume for you, we will start to work on your job interview skills.

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Life Coaching: Myth vs. Reality

life coaching sign postThink you know what life coaching is all about? In this blog post I want to set the record straight on what life is and what it is not.

I have clients that come to me all of the time thinking that undergoing life coaching is something that will be some kind of spiritual journey that involves us sitting and meditating in the midst of votive candles and incense… they could not be more wrong.

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