Resolutions Always Fail, Right?

So resolutions always fail, right? There’s always a February falloff right? We lose 10 pounds in January, but then that box of chocolates just proves irresistible. True? Not necessarily.

The number one reason that resolutions fail is because we view resolutions wrong.

A lot of us think that resolutions are this mountain-top pot of gold that we need to strive to achieve. This inherently creates a huge amount of pressure because, after all, who wants to hike up a mountain?

Resolutions should start with looking at the treasure that’s right in front of you on the ground. Start small. Rather than externalize your dreams by saying to yourself, “I’m going to lose 30 pounds this year,” reframe that resolution by saying, “I’m going to lengthen my walk to work by 1 mile every day” or “I’m going to spend more time in the produce and vegetable section of the supermarket.”

Make your resolutions simple and manageable, and they will take off.

Click here for information on life coaching in NYC with Dr. Gluck
Click here for more information on how to lose weight with hypnosis

Can Life Coaching Improve Your Dating Skills?

Let’s talk about dating. Remember dating? It used to exist. Now, everything is online and here is some of my advice for you.

One is, don’t go online. The ability to walk over to another person, introduce yourself, give them a business card and say, “Listen, this who I am. I don’t know you, you don’t know me, but I would love to have a cup of coffee with you.

Now, if you are able to accept the fact that there’s going to be a lot of rejection involved, but at least you show that you have the courage, you have the confidence to say, “This is who I am. Look me up online. I’m single, I’m not involved, and I’d like to get to know you. If you’re open to that, great.”

The ability to look in a person’s eyes — as opposed to texting them, as opposed to going through the Internet where people lie about just about everything — is a skill that you might just want to develop.

Dating can be extremely fascinating, if you eliminate the fear and you eliminate the bullshit. Try it. You might like it.

You might say what I just told you to do, I could not possibly do! That is why you need life coaching. I will show you how to get into a person’s personal without threatening them.

I will show you how to communicate in a way that’s comfortable, how to create instant intimacy, how to create a sense of you’re a safe person and not a nut! I will show you how to date in a way that will make you an expert dater, and at the same time, not a liar. This is an adventure you’re going to want to take.

Go here to find out how to improve your dating and relationship skills.

The Secret to Following Through On Your Resolutions

It’s the end of the year, guys. Once again, we go through the tradition of “how my life is going to change” in 2014. The biggest problem is that people treat their promises like they do their alarm clocks: they always hit the snooze button.

Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick with Hypnosis and Life Coaching

You notice they use words like “I’m going to try to do this,” “I would like to do this.” “This is something I would like to accomplish,” as opposed to saying, “I will do this. I am absolutely going to,” not allowing themselves to have a back door.

The mindset is that retreat is not an option, and when retreat is not an option, then you go and you ask yourself, “Can I do this on my own? Do I need to change the way I think?” That’s where hypnosis comes in.

“Do I need a structure?” That’s where coaching comes in. Do I need constant encouragement and not just a boost of determination followed by slower and slower and slower doing?

These are the questions you should ask yourself. It is 2014. Let’s change the things you want to change.

More information about hypnosis in NYC
More information about life coaching in NYC

Life Coach Advice for Online Dating

Online dating web sitesAccording to polls done by Reuters, out of the 54 million people who are single, 40 million have tried online dating. Chances are if you’re single and reading this, you have had, currently have, or soon will have an online dating profile.

While I will always be a proponent for meeting people the old fashioned way, I have no objection to online dating—in fact, I think it’s a good thing. A lot of these sites offer thoroughly tested, algorithmic questionnaires for you to fill out that will apparently determine your compatibility with potential partners.

My one piece of advice would be not to put all your eggs into one basket with these questionnaires. While they have been meticulously designed to maximize compatibility, we all know that love works in mysterious ways, and often requires more than the sum total of our likes and dislikes.  So next time you’re on eHarmony, keep that in mind before you click to the next person.

Contact Dr. Gluck at (212) 599-3195 for more information about his life coaching program.

Life Coaching for Teenagers

Life coaching teenagers is a subject worth mentioning. Because popular depictions of teenagers already include angst, belligerence, and combativeness, it seems Sisyphean enough to get them to listen to their parents.

So the notion of bringing your teenager to a life coach seems near impossible. I found that the unexpectedness of seeing a life coach though usually works to the teen’s favor. Because the idea seems so preposterous to bellicose or disillusioned teenagers (the type that often need life coaching the most), their curiosity is undeniable.

Once the two of us start talking, I have full confidence that I can turn the coldest, most detached teenager into a self-believer. But the crucial step is getting them into my office. So take heed, parents with teenagers: take advantage of the unusual sales pitch that is seeing a life coach.  It will work in my favor, but more importantly, it’ll work in their favor.

Click here for more information about life coaching with Dr. Gluck. Or, call his office today at (212) 599-3195.