How to Overcome Your Phobias with Hypnosis

Phobias are quite interesting because people who are highly successful, who have achieved great things in life, have little secret phobias that no one knows, and we kid about them, and we just say, “Well, this is just part of our personality.”

Dr. Errol Gluck Discusses Phobias and Hypnosis

“I’m afraid of planes.” “I’m a claustrophobic.” “I’m afraid of public speaking.” “I’m afraid of mice or ants,” or whatever the case might be. But most people don’t know that a phobia can control a great deal of time and portion of your thoughts.

Using coaching and hypnosis, in particular, eliminates phobias in a very short time, and without that space in your head being taken up by a phobia that doesn’t need to exist, you could actually put your life, mind, and time into something that would actually bring you happiness.

Go here to find out more about how to overcome your phobias with hypnosis

Hypnosis for Fear of Insects

A woman with a fear of insectsMost people would claim to have a fear of insects and “creepy crawly” things.  As children we may have witnessed our mother’s shriek at the site of a roach or watch our fathers jump and squirm as a silverfish crawls from the drain, and witnessing these tiny creepy crawlers momentarily break the poise of our giant authoritative figures may stick with us in adulthood.

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How to Live a Life Without Fear Through Hypnosis

The acronym for fear is False Evidence that Appears Real. Now the problem is that everyone will say that fear is simply a part of life. But in fact, fear actually destroys life.

The Importance of Overcoming Fear with Dr. Errol Gluck

Fear has three basic sources; only three actually. First, is the fear of death and dying and of illness. The second, which seems to be the most popular, is the fear of guilt, shame, being embarrassed, feeling judged. So many people, so many people, if not all on some level, suffer from this. And the third source of fear is the fear of not contributing to the world; fear of not being successful on a personal relationship, love and life.

If all these three parts are addressed and eliminated, you will live a life without fear. I can actually do that for you. I’ve done it for thousands. Thank you for listening.

Overcoming Fear of Being Judged Through Hypnosis

scared public speakerYou are on a huge stage, headlining for what has been advertised as “the Concert of the Century”, for months now. You know you are more than prepared- you’ve stuck to your diet, done all your vocal warm ups twice, you know all your songs better then the back of your hand, and are dressed from head to toe in an outfit so revolutionary, that even Lady GaGa knows she can’t compete.

The crowd roars with excitement and anticipation, as all your friends, family, and coworkers crowd the front rows, joining the rest of your fans in chanting your name over and over.

This is your one and only shot to prove yourself to everyone else- this is your time to really deliver. The pressure is on – and on full blast!

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Hypnosis for Anti Aging

GluckRadioNow after reading this title, you need to understand something. Nothing is going to stop you from aging. It happens to even the best of us, and while hypnosis is good, it’s not that good. If you’re interested in the science of aging, listen to the GluckRadio episode I did with anti-aging gerontologist Aubrey DeGrey here! But what hypnosis can do is slow down the effects of aging.

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