Clinical Hypnosis Treats Post-Divorce Suffering

One excellent way to rebuild life after divorce is through a specialized combination of Executive Life Coaching and Clinical Hypnosis. I offer both and have counseled countless clients through severe post-divorce anxieties and depression. Many were at the peak of their careers when the split occurred, shooting them down.  Perhaps you know the feeling. Once, you were capable of tackling complexity. Now, the simplest act of getting up on time feels impossible. What’s next? you ask every new day. Probably nothing.

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Get Rid of Stress via Clinical Hypnosis

A stressed out womanHaving practiced Clinical Hypnosis in NYC for over 37 years, I find that stress is the basis for nearly every anxiety disorder that New Yorkers face.

The city, as always, is demanding and competitive. Add to that the conditions of the Digital Age: the impossible struggle for excuses to be “unavailable” causes people to forget how to gain and appreciate the time they do need for themselves, even when they have earned the freedom to do so.

Founded on the science of neuroplasticity, Clinical Hypnosis gets you to let go of those inhibitions that prevent the mind from shutting down and entering relaxation. There’s no reason in fearing that such a state will leave you vulnerable, weak, and unaccomplished. If anything, the pressure to perform despite exhaustion is often the main trouble.

Come set an appointment if you’re interested. Call my office at (212) 519-3995.

Hypnotherapy for Living in Your Thirties

Based on recent clients, I’ve noticed that the problems of adulthood are at their highest for thirty-year olds. Especially in this time, after the surge of unemployment and the country’s economic crisis, men and women in their thirties are stressed over not reaching the goals they believe they were supposed to reach in their younger years.

If the adults are college graduates, their loans are obstacles to the answer of simply furthering their education. Also consider the alienation caused by an over-reliance on technology and social networking to build relationships, and you’ll eventually get the real picture:

Thirty-year olds in 2014 are at risk at being a severely depressed, anxious, and discouraged group. If you agree, let me know your thoughts. Or if you think you may be a part of this group, how about considering hypnosis?

To schedule an appointment or to get more information call Gluck Solutions in NYC at (212) 599-3195.

Hypnosis and the Almighty Deadline

Stressed out womanStress, in its simplest definition, is that which takes more energy than you can provide. It can include an especially condensed workload in the office, or it can involve the silent tension in your marriage. Maybe it’s a belligerent teenage child who barely talks to you, or it could even be a part of your identity that you’re looking to build on but haven’t yet been able to.

Stress can crop up in virtually any arena in your life, but there’s one form of stress that seems to cut through the rest: deadlines.

Nothing is clearly more evocative of stress than having to do a certain amount of work in a certain amount of time. You could be a writer who has to finish the first draft of her novel in 4 months. Or you could be a CEO who has to make a certain progress report to the board of directors in 1 week.

This is when the targeted effect of hypnosis fits perfect for the targeted goal of having to make a deadline. There’s nothing wishy-washy about a deadline, and there’s certainly nothing wishy-washy about hypnosis. If you have an important deadline; whether it’s in one week or one year, an immediate hypnosis session will help reduce anxiety, increase performance levels and focus, build on the interpersonal skills that will help you attain your goals, and give you the emotional foundation and optimism to fuel your success.

The job of hypnosis will not be to get rid of the stress—as I indicated above, stress is everywhere—the key is to help you get through the other side of a stressful situation in a happy and healthy way.

Put a session with me in your planner! 212-599-3195