Restless Leg Syndrome Hypnosis

One of the most interesting sleeping disorders there is restless legs syndrome. The urge to move occurs when you’re resting or lying down and is usually due to uncomfortable, tingly, aching, or creeping sensations.

The brutal thing about this disease is that in trying to comfort your legs by moving them, you often irritate the discomfort. Stemming from a slew of factors including iron deficiency, medication side effects, and neuropathy, RLS is an insufferable problem whose victims demand a quick fix.

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Parenting Skills and Life Coaching

A child with his parentsI’ve been in business as a Life Coach and Hypnotherapist for over 35 years, and I’ve worked with all walks of life. From top CEOs of fortune five hundred companies to the struggling artist that supplements their income by waiting tables. My patients have run the gamut in terms of professional status.

Despite their differing career paths, I’ve noticed one common thread- it is unanimously agreed across the board that parenting is truly the most challenging and complex job on Earth.

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Dr. Gluck On Life Coach Apps: A Critical Review

I just learned of a life coaching app for the iPhone called SuperBetter. A patient of mine made a joke that he should just use SuperBetter because “99 cents is a lot less than what you charge.” After a good laugh, this app piqued my interest and I asked him to show it to me. As I was scrolling through it, I told my patient that he overpaid for it.

Truth is, I wouldn’t want to pay a dime for something as stupid as that.  And yet millions of people are using this app, thinking that they’re actually getting somewhere with their lives. I wouldn’t want to entrust my life development to some entrepreneurial tech developer in California who read a self-help book and saw dollar signs. Instead, I’d want to entrust my life development to someone who believes in the old-fashioned notions of interaction, face-to-face contact, customized treatment, and powerful results.

Ask yourself if that app can refer you over to powerful people in all sorts of professional arenas. Ask yourself if that app knows answers of all types of questions ranging from fashion to finance to sexuality. Ask yourself if that app is really making you happy.

For live face to face life coaching in NYC call my office at (212) 599-3195.

Hypnosis Gives Insight Into Psychiatric Disorders

Professor Peter Halligan

A colleague of mine in Australia, Peter Halligan, has been doing research on what hypnosis can tell us about hitherto unexplained phenomena, like hallucinations and schizophrenia.

I’m pasting the link to the article below (and I want you to take a look at it), but I want to say one thing: while hypnosis might be able to explain these things, I want to make sure that doesn’t diminish hypnosis to just a tool to soon discard after findings are made. There has always been proof and always will be proof on the effects hypnosis has as a treatment method for almost anything!

Click here to read Professor Halligan’s article

5 Steps for Life Coaching As Utilized by Gluck Solutions

Steps to SuccessAll Life Coaches have their own style of working with patients, but at Gluck Solutions, my method is both effective and simple. Using these 5 steps, I can and will help to improve your entire quality of life.

Step #1: Define Your Goals

Clearly identify your life goals in your own mind, and then write them down. Though seemingly trite, the ability to define your goals is easier said then done and having a concrete record of this is the first step to making your dreams become reality. Once your goals are defined, I will help you to develop a clear plan and help you begin to implement it.

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