Hypnosis for Sex Addiction

Addicted to porn online?Do you spend a lot of time by yourself, viewing pornography, masturbating, arranging sexual encounters, fantasizing about , engaging in “cyber-sex,” fantasizing about relationships in which you have total control and acting on these fantasies aggressively?

Are you incapable of feeling remorse or guilt when you lose control of your sex drive, when you can no longer view your partners as human beings but things? And your actions as devoid of consequences?

Some addicts are capable of going steady while entertaining their addictions. It doesn’t help that they’re allowed to do as they please, to keep them happy, because the habits can hurt everybody around — not only loved ones, but professional relationships.

No one can stay with a sex addict, blissfully ignorant of the addiction in between. What happens when the compulsion leads to sex with others who don’t value the sex casually? Wear and tear show. Doubts surface, especially if your partner isn’t present or near. Stalking and obsession take hold, leaving you with the inability to meet your immediate needs sensibly.

These situations may sound melodramatic, awkward, and sappy at their worst, But don’t let those qualities deter you from taking serious action. Just because life doesn’t happen flawlessly, like a movie or a book, doesn’t mean it’s not worth dealing with. They happen.

I have been a successful counselor for both couples and individuals. Listen to your head, particularly in matters of the heart and body. And if your mind isn’t in shape, then I have a strong feeling my methods could improve you and be the perfect match.

Contact Dr. Gluck at (212) 599-3195

The Importance of Your Dreams in Hypnotherapy

Woman sleeping in bedIn Your Dreams…

In past blogs, I spent a lot of time talking about sleep. But what about dreams? I’m curious about them too. If you’re one of my patients or are considering seeing me for hypnosis, don’t take any of your dreams lightly! Write down as much as you can remember. It can be thrilling. It’s especially rewarding to write as soon as you wake up, while the memory is still fresh.

I’m not a dream analyst. However, a part of any hypnotherapy is organizing and understanding those elements of one’s psyche that might be off-limits outside of treatment. Trust me, as supernatural as this sounds, your dreams can have more down-to-earth, practical benefits than you believe. Don’t let even your weirdest ones go. Let’s figure them out together.

Hypnosis and Personal Finance

Can hypnosis improve your ability to make money?Enough about love. Enough about dating. Enough about self- this and self- that. I’m not feeling very soft and cuddly. Thanks to the awful weather, I’m in a cold and hard mindset. Which is not always a bad thing, but necessary.

Today, let’s talk about money. I get many calls from people who really need hypnosis. The answer to their problem is exactly the kind of therapy that I can provide. But they back out as soon as they hear the cost. I want to assure you that everything is negotiable. If you really need or want something, money is an obstacle I’m sure you and I can try to resolve. Don’t let numbers destroy you. Don’t ignore them, either.

Even in your personal life, if finances have become difficult for you to handle, it’s possible that the roots of your trouble are behavioral. How can you improve decision-making from your everyday purchases to long-term investments? What’s keeping you from adhering to a budget? I can help you get the focus and motivation you need to get your financial foundation in order. Contact Gluck Solutions to learn how, and let’s get ready for a productive Spring.

Does Hypnosis Work For Children?

One common question about hypnosis I get is whether hypnosis works for children. Most people are so tentative when it comes to getting hypnotized themselves that they become extra concerned when they consider it as an option for their kids.

I’m here to tell you that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about, and that hypnosis is actually especially effective for children.

Hypnosis utilizes common traits seen in kids such as imagination and suspension of disbelief. In my 35 years experience, during which I have often treated children, I would notice that they don’t enter the sessions with a sense of resistance that I see in greater percentages from adults.

The common issues I treat in children are depression, test-taking, attention/focus disorders, antisocial or distracting behavior, and weight-loss. Under almost every circumstance I grant the parental requests to sit in on the session, and while I do consult with the parent at the end of the session, it is not mandatory that the parent be there for the entirety of the session and hypnosis induction.

Want to know more about hypnosis for yourself or your children? Contact Gluck Solutions at (212) 599-3195.

Hypnosis for Insomnia

I’d like you all to read the article below about a woman who suffered her whole life from insomnia. She had tried sleeping pills, but felt “like a zombie” after taking them.

Finally, at her wit’s end, she did the most sensible thing you can do: she tied hypnosis. Along with yoga, she started feeling natural compulsions to sleep (which she described as “wonderful”) with hypnosis.

Read the article here…

Insomnia is a pandemic problem with ruthless consequences. Don’t become a drug addict, and definitely don’t accept a life of sleeplessness. Get to my office today!