Hypnotherapy Heals Chronic Pain

A woman with back painChronic pain is bodily discomfort and illness that persists for years. Dealing with a different ailment almost daily, no matter how slight (stiff muscles, headaches), is a sign that you might need serious treatment.

Hypnotherapy treats chronic pain by eliminating the stress that caused and continues to aggravate the pain. If you’re getting medical help for the symptoms, I am willing to work in conjunction with the appropriate professionals.

Hypnotherapy is a necessary supplement to neurology in nearly every case. After all, how can you take the steps toward recovery if pain is eating away at your mind along with your body? Or if you are losing the emotional drive to want to get better, despite neurology.

Check your symptoms here. If you’re determined to stop normalizing the pain, it’s time to set an appointment. Learn more about hypnotherapy on this website, and give my office a call at (212) 599-3195.

Hypnotherapy in New York City

Although such common problems as stress, anxiety, fear, and addiction exist everywhere, they are multiplied ten-fold in New York City. No one is spared, not even the city’s top executives – many of whom I’ve successfully treated.

In such a fast-paced, constantly demanding city, it’s hard for people to focus on solving a single problem – no matter how important – all the way. Rather, the “solution” is to skip onto other problems that inevitably come along.  By choosing hypnosis, clients commit to a place where they can’t run away from the key obstacles in their life.

Remember: Clinical Hypnosis is a hard science that revises how you respond to information and experiences. Your thoughts influence your actions, and your actions your life. Therapy gets straight to the core of faulty decision-making so that you don’t make wrong choices repeatedly.

For more info about sessions and scheduling, call my office at (212) 599-3195.

How Hypnosis Cures Gambling Addiction

Gambling AddictionClinical Hypnosis cures gambling addiction by changing the neurological patterns behind the thrill of compulsive risk-taking.

Whether it’s excessive stock trading on Wall Street, Atlantic City’s slot machines, or all-night poker roundtables in the Manhattan underground, gambling addiction has harder physical reality in the New York City area than anywhere else.

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Can Hypnosis Cure Impotence?

Unhappy couple in bedroomYes. In the relaxed self-consciousness that hypnotherapy provides, you and I will sort out the mental blocks that prevent you from getting and keeping erections.

These hindrances are usually based on deep-seated emotional memories or anxieties which will always be there, regardless of how regularly you take prescription drugs.

In several sessions, I can equip you with the mental control you need to clear your head during sex. Clinical Hypnosis is the securest natural method for learning how to perform better sexually every single time. Whenever, wherever, with whomever.

If healing means changing or breaking certain relationships first, a complete treatment should leave you with the emotional strength to deal with separation issues properly.

Think you’ll need an appointment? Call my office at 212-599-3195.

Afraid of Heights? Hypnosis Keeps You Grounded

stop fearFear of heights, or acrophobia, is one of the most common phobias out there. There’s no medicine or quick fix for this disorder, making hypnotherapy the surest remedy.

Simply put: Acrophobia is an exaggerated version of the universal survival instinct to flee from danger, namely that of falling from a high place. People inflicted with the phobia can’t always define the origins (usually a traumatic experience in their past), but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a solution.

Hypnosis is a place to safely understand why the phobia is an irrational obstacle. I then guide you into reversing your mental reactions to those moments of being above ground. With continuous practice, your new thoughts will become so natural that they change your usual behavioral responses; and, in turn, rid you of acrophobia for good.

If you’re anxious that hypnosis won’t work because your fear is purely irrational, remember: all you need to secure a successful treatment is the desire to overcome your fear. Leave everything else up to me.

Call my office to set an appointment (212) 599-3195.