Using Hypnotherapy to Quit Binge-Eating

A binge eaterWhen it comes to food, self-control has amazing benefits. But there is such a thing as obsessively trying to control one’s appetite, which is at the root of binge eating.

Binge eaters experience an addictive high over denying their hunger for long durations. Even when it makes sense to eat, they won’t regardless. Suddenly, just before succumbing to malnourishment or starvation, the binge-eater turns off the mechanism for self-control and “lets go.”

The scene isn’t one of joy and liberation! It is devastating to watch the people slip into absolute lack of concern for anyone, including themselves. Some will simply get up in the middle of the night, not having eaten for days, ransacking kitchen pantries and cabinets. They don’t care which food belongs to whom, or what things they’re eating, they’re just going to eat.

Although the pleasure is great, it isn’t worth the toll. Permanent damage to both the mind and body are inevitable. Stomach ulcers are common. So is sexual dysfunction, respiratory issues, low levels of focus.

Ask yourself: Is it necessarily desirable to eat in binges, putting yourself through guilt and shame, in order to feel confident?

No, I assure you: Clinical Hypnosis shows you to gain the same pleasure without having to risk your sanity each time. You learn self-management. No one, as far as I know, can survive happily on binges.

If you’re interested in a balanced middle ground of dieting, call Dr. Gluck’s office in NYC at (212) 599-3195.

Stop Teeth Grinding (aka Bruxism) Through Clinical Hypnosis

Teeth grinding isn’t a mere nuisance. The habit easily gives way to severe physical and mental disorders. Most people don’t notice because they’re asleep when grinding occurs. Left untreated, however, symptoms will get unbearable. They range from speech defects, tooth and nerve damage, to relationship difficulties resulting from bothering your partner in bed.

Clinical Hypnosis eradicates the pain through techniques involving deep relaxation. Therapy starts by revealing what’s causing you to grind unconsciously: A jaw that stays tense for too long day and night, or your body’s over-reaction to stress. As always, changing behavior is key. In 3-5 sessions, you’ll learn how to better control the relevant muscles, while honing the willpower you need to never grind your teeth again.

Concerned that you’re grinding your teeth too frequently? Don’t get any worse. Give Gluck Solutions in NYC a call at (212) 599-3195 to talk and set your first appointment.

Hypnosis Cures Claustrophobia

A woman with claustrophobiaBeing trapped in a small space without an exit, for everyone, is a cause to be very afraid. However, being afraid in the same space, despite the obvious exits and the fact that no one is trapping you, signals that you are probably claustrophobic. If you are hyperventilating or feeling the symptoms of a panic attack, you have to get yourself treated.

In the 37 years I’ve practiced Clinical Hypnosis, I’ve cured all my claustrophobic clients. The critical part is identifying your specific traumatic experiences in tightly enclosed spaces, which have led you to fearing every space like the one you’d been in regardless of the space’s actual boundaries and exits. We will work together to undo the fear by replacing your initial emotional reflexes with the rational, less subjective yet immediate thought processes that I know you’re capable of.
Learn more about overcoming phobias with hypnotherapy by calling more office today at (212) 599-3195.

Raise Self-Esteem Via Hypnosis

Hypnosis can help you combat a self-image that’s been disfigured through ages of unfounded, irrational, or unproductive criticism. This country prides itself in encouraging confidence regardless of your circumstances: Take advantage of this characteristic! But don’t get me wrong. I’m not raising your self-esteem by ignoring the problems you do have.

For instance, if you’re abusing drugs or consistently betraying your friendships, I’m not going to tell you that those issues don’t matter. They do. Thing is, do you believe they’re worth solving for yourself?

Remember: Hypnosis will never cast judgment on you. Of course there are certain personal traits that you can’t change. But that’s still no reason for low self-esteem. If anything, you should feel relieved that you don’t have to tackle impossibilities!

Hypnotherapy will reveal your limitations, urge you to look at hard facts. Through this process, you’ll also learn how to accept your life with open eyes. It may not be perfect, but it’s yours to direct.

From there you will understand, and want to understand, the qualities you do have that move you forward. Take a rational, accepting, and optimistic hold of your identity. Call my office to learn more and set an appointment (212) 599-3195.

Hypnotherapy for Headaches

A woman with migrain headachesBefore reaching for another over-the-counter drug for your chronic headaches, think about actually getting to the bottom of the problem.

Hypnotherapy can help: It is a natural form of therapy that doesn’t involve chemicals or secondary mediums and contraptions.  There are no side-effects and no long, drawn-out procedures.

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