The Starving Brain

When I think of the 4th of July weekend coming up, I think of hotdogs, burgers, grills, the sun out, frozen fruit drinks and most importantly, some very needed family time.

Needless to say, I know there are people out there that fear this time of year and many other holidays like this centered around family gatherings and food (Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Birthdays, and the like). They fear the idea of having to eat in front of family and friends. There are people tormented by the thought of having to force themselves to eat to appear healthy and normal on the outside.1275fcd73d195d39f36b7135c52f5371

The truth is, anorexia is hardly ever about weight. It doesn’t matter if you’re 80 pounds or 180 pounds, an anorexic will still feel that they are never at their perfect weight. Anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and other related eating disorders are a form of addiction, very similar in root to gambling, alcoholism, drugs, smoking, sex, etc. – it is centered around attaining the ‘high’ that makes you feel good/relieved.

Young girls and boys on the onset of anorexia and bulimia purge because of how amazing it makes them feel afterwards. Fast forward a few years, it turns into a habit, an addiction no longer controllable. The troubling truth about habit is its stronghold over our lives. It’s great that some of us have great habits, like waking up early in the morning and sticking to our awesome workout regimes but there are a lot of us who fight head on with daily negative habits. Sometimes we turn to our addictions to distract us from the real issue we are dealing with on the inside.

Anorexia, like all other addictions, takes your good qualities and uses them against yourself in destructive ways. It will take your amazing persistence and push you to continue to purge and starve. It will take your strong determination and use it to push to to achieve visible ribcages. It will take your unique creativity and use it to create stories to hide the real reason as to why you are “not hungry”. It will take your hardworking, disciplined mindset and use it to fight for the wrong things.

I want to emphasize the power of our brains and what we can do change the way we think. Hypnosis can help you center your thoughts on what is truly important and meaningful in life. You have to realize that your body, your organs, and your actions/habits are all controlled by your brain. Your heart cannot beat and pump blood without the command of the brain. Likewise, your thoughts don’t end up where they do without the command of the brain. Come see me. And I don’t say this lightly. I know how real the fear is for those that battle with this every day, through every meal.

I want to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July!!

Gaining Weight via Clinical Hypnosis

Although there’s still a great number of people in the U.S. dying to lose weight, there will also always be the other side of the coin: People who are obsessed with weight. They may not necessarily be anorexic or bulimic, but afraid of food. Hypersensitive to the amount they eat, unusually picky, frequently skipping meals, these people may not even be aware of their problem until their behavior results in severe illness.

If you find yourself emotionally undereating, unable to regain the weight – or steady appetite – you used to have, I encourage you to consider Clinical Hypnosis. Based on the concept of neuroplasticity, the treatment will directly address the mental causes of your eating disorder. Often, malnutrition will have led to other psychological difficulties, particularly related to self-image; these problems naturally dissolve once you have your appetite returns.

Have a gut instinct that Clinical Hypnosis can get you eating regularly again? Let’s talk. Give my office a call at (212) 599-3195 and be sure to browse my website for details.

Using Hypnotherapy to Quit Binge-Eating

A binge eaterWhen it comes to food, self-control has amazing benefits. But there is such a thing as obsessively trying to control one’s appetite, which is at the root of binge eating.

Binge eaters experience an addictive high over denying their hunger for long durations. Even when it makes sense to eat, they won’t regardless. Suddenly, just before succumbing to malnourishment or starvation, the binge-eater turns off the mechanism for self-control and “lets go.”

The scene isn’t one of joy and liberation! It is devastating to watch the people slip into absolute lack of concern for anyone, including themselves. Some will simply get up in the middle of the night, not having eaten for days, ransacking kitchen pantries and cabinets. They don’t care which food belongs to whom, or what things they’re eating, they’re just going to eat.

Although the pleasure is great, it isn’t worth the toll. Permanent damage to both the mind and body are inevitable. Stomach ulcers are common. So is sexual dysfunction, respiratory issues, low levels of focus.

Ask yourself: Is it necessarily desirable to eat in binges, putting yourself through guilt and shame, in order to feel confident?

No, I assure you: Clinical Hypnosis shows you to gain the same pleasure without having to risk your sanity each time. You learn self-management. No one, as far as I know, can survive happily on binges.

If you’re interested in a balanced middle ground of dieting, call Dr. Gluck’s office in NYC at (212) 599-3195.

Hypnosis That Doesn’t Stigmatize Eating Disorders

eating disorder signYou ever notice that people who eat too much are considered as someone who just has poor eating habits, and people who eat too little are pathologized, pitied, and diagnosed with a mental disorder? Why?

How come if you eat too much or the wrong foods, it’s an unfavorable preference, but if you’re bulimic or anorexic, people wonder about your childhood, about your confidence, and about your overall mental well-being?

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