Clinical Hypnosis Treats Four Types of Alcoholics

can hypnosis cure alcoholismIn my 37 years of practice, I’ve encountered 4 types of alcoholics:

1 – Social Drinkers have little to no trouble drinking occasionally, usually preferring to drink with others. Their reaction to alcohol is close to harmless. Social drinkers tend to be very confident while drinking, given their moderate to high tolerance plus their lack of a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. Neverthless, when emotional crises hit, the temptation to drink can be stronger for those who don’t believe they have the capacity to go overboard.

2 – Problem drinkers may have some to zero genetic connection to alcohol addiction. They rarely black out, cause public disturbances, or fall into identifiable patterns of drinking. The problem with this group involves their volatile susceptibility to binging when they are consumed by a loss of control over some part of their life. Alcoholism develops during transitional times. Drinkers want to escape seemingly “inescapable” problems at hand or to numb themselves while carrying through hardships.

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Clinical Hypnosis Versus Nicotine Patches and Gum

stopsmokingWith the right mindset and determination, it is possible to quit smoking! I have a 94% success rate – higher than any other alternative here in New York City.

Regardless of what made you start, or whether you’re smoking two packs a day or two cigarettes a week, you still have an addiction that, for the benefit of your health, needs to be curbed.

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Hypnosis and Compulsive Shopping

In NYC, it feels impossible to stick to a strict budget. I get many clients scolding themselves for misspending their money on things that are ultimately making them financially strapped and unhappy. Believe it or not, I understand what the problem is from the inside since I used to be an impulsive buyer myself.

Frivolous spending every once and a while is never an issue. If you want to indulge after every paycheck or two, why not? But if you find yourself spending more and more to chase “highs” that leave you regretful and emptier than you felt, you’re probably hooked on consumption. The dopamine spikes that come with buying one thing after another creates an illusory fix that makes the actual solution to your problems even harder – if only a tiny bit harder – to attain.

What’s the actual source of your impulse? What can you do to stop unnecessary, and at times even undesirable, spending?

The answer is more scientific than you think. I provide hypnosis in NYC for people with compulsive shopping/addiction issues. Give me a call at 212-599-3195 and let’s talk about solutions for you using hypnotherapy. I’ll explain how the concept of neuroplasticity to rewire your brain in order to create positive emotional association with budgeting your money. A life of merry moderation is just around the corner…

NYC Hypnotist Cures Sexual Addiction

I’ve been in practice for 37 years. Particularly in NYC – which is rife with every stimuli, means, and cause to sustain sexual addiction – I don’t need a DSM board to tell me that the problem is real. Sexual addiction is a clinical issue and primarily self-destructive.

No pill or patch comes close to a cure. Trickier is that the triggers of relapse are nearly impossible to shut off because the average human is very much a sexual being already. It’s a harsh world for a sexual addict because not a day goes by without some sexually suggestive object. Internet is no escape route, self isn’t one either. Picture a recovering alcoholic rounding every street corner to find liquor in the streets.

Hypnosis treats sex addiction by getting straight into the subconscious brain, also referred to as the reptilian brain, and making new associations for the emotional instincts driving the craving. In the same way that a chocolate lover gets a thrill from more and more chocolate, the addict gets a thrill from more and more intercourse. Almost by nature, that constant thrill-seeking quickly turns destructive. The health risks increase each time, physically and psychologically among other ways.

Remember: When you change your thoughts and impulses through hypnosis, you change your behavior. Folks, neuroplasticity continues to be the most effective treatment method for people with addictions. I can’t emphasize that point enough.

Let me know if you’re ready to schedule your session: 212-599-3195.