Can Hypnosis Improve Your Confidence?

confident womanFor the last 35 years I’ve been in practice, people have been answering the same question on their Client Intake Forms: “What would you like to achieve?” Before anything else, people write one thing and one thing only, and that’s ‘confidence.’

While no one explicitly comes to see me for “confidence boosting,” people do come to me to treat specific issues like drug addiction or weight loss.

So why are they writing confidence on their forms? How does one achieve that?

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Overcoming Video Game Addiction with Hypnosis

hypnosis can cure your addiction to video gamesAre you or your kids addicted to video games? Would you like to find a way to overcome this addiction to video games through hypnosis? Then keep reading…

While my kids were growing up, I always tried to limit the amount of television they watched for fear they’d become addicted to the “boob tube”. It was a legitimate concern, not wanting to have raised two “Mike Teavee’s” worthy of a Wonka-eque lesson. But no matter how many reruns of Saved By the Bell they may have watched, I thank my lucky stars that I don’t have to worry about raising children in this day and age!

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Pre Surgery Hypnosis: An Excellent Stress Reliever

As anyone familiar with the relaxation powers of hypnosis is aware, it leaves you feeling calm, soothed and worry free. Unlike other calming techniques or supplements, hypnosis is 100% natural and risk free. It does not interfere with any medications you may be taking, nor does it induce any “hangover” type feelings once it has worn off.

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Is Hypnosis a Paradox?

Hypnotizing WatchEvery hypnotist will quell one of your biggest fears surrounding hypnosis: What if hypnosis is like mind-control? Especially if you haven’t been hypnotized before, you are probably wondering if, during your trance, you’ll be at the complete mercy of the hypnotist. And every hypnotist worth his/her salt will tell you emphatically that hypnosis is indeed not mind control.

But wait a minute. How can hypnosis live up to its definition of conscious surrender at the behest of the hypnotist to create subconscious change and at the same time not be in a sense, mind-control? Don’t you need the hypnotist to control your mind to some extent for he to get beneath rational cognitive blocks you are having trouble changing? What gives?

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Can Hypnosis Relieve Pain During Childbirth?

Pregnant WomanWe’ve all seen Hollywood’s stereotypical child birthing scenes; The sweating mother grabbing a nurse by the collar hollering, “give me the drugs!” It seems that epidural pain killers have become somewhat of a given when someone thinks of a birthing scene.

But what if this didn’t have to be the case? I’m sure we are a long way off from a completely pain free birthing process but, hypnosis can most certainly “take the edge off”. Although it isn’t really replacing the epidural (yet!), the two methods seem to work extremely well together.

We recently found an article that discusses this issue…

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