Hypnosis and Hoarding

Hoarding can be cured by hypnosisWe’ve all seen the promos for the TLC show “Hoarders” where we see every day people surrounded by mountains and mountains of stuff; Stuff that an outside observer would label as junk.

However, what many don’t understand is that the impulse to hoard is not because someone is lazy or slovenly.

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Anxiety and Procrastination

man suffering from anxietySince everyone procrastinates it has become one of the most accepted faults in society.

No longer are procrastinators just unruly teenagers; geniuses procrastinate, businessmen and women procrastinate and, with these impending government spending cuts, our politicians most certainly procrastinate.How did this deficient personality trait become human nature almost overnight?

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Can Hypnosis Cure Your Depression?

a man suffering from depressionFor those suffering from depression it can feel like you are the only person in the world experiencing these intense feelings of loneliness, isolation, and extreme sadness. It’s like being trapped at the bottom of an empty well with no one around to pull you out.  Well, that’s not true. I’m there, reaching out a hand and promising you that I can help bring light and joy into your life once more.

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Pre Surgery Hypnosis: An Excellent Stress Reliever

As anyone familiar with the relaxation powers of hypnosis is aware, it leaves you feeling calm, soothed and worry free. Unlike other calming techniques or supplements, hypnosis is 100% natural and risk free. It does not interfere with any medications you may be taking, nor does it induce any “hangover” type feelings once it has worn off.

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Hypnosis for PTSD: Helping Your Recover From Emotional Pain

Statue Three Servicemen Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops out of some kind of extreme psychological event that usually involved the threat of injury or death. This can be war, rape, assault, or domestic abuse, as just a few examples.

The symptoms usually show themselves as flashback episodes, nightmares, associating events in your life with that prior event, emotional numbing, despondency, hyper-vigilance, anger, and physical manifestations of headaches, dizziness, and agitation.

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