Can Hypnosis Cure Alcoholism?

I am Dr. Errol Gluck. I’m an executive life coach. I practice neuroplasticity which is clinical hypnosis and I’ve been doing it for over thirty seven years. One of the most common reasons why executives come to me as well as other people is for alcohol abuse.

Now there are four categories of alcohol abuse. One is the problem drinker. The problem drinker is simply someone who drinks too much and in the drinking too much they simply feel sluggish, tired, and very often will act inappropriately. There is no pattern to their drinking and they simply in their actions do not go beyond the scope of something they remember or can’t control.

Next, you have what is called the linear alcoholic. The linear alcoholic is a person that can have a drink or two, but once they pass a certain mark, it could be three or four, they go into full blown “I cannot stop and I will drink until I black out”.

This is where my specialty comes in. I am one of the few people in the entire country that can take a linear alcoholic and actually have them drink just one drink or two drinks a night and never go beyond a certain point.

Next, there is the acute alcoholic. The acute alcoholic is genetically alcoholic. Even if he or she has one drink, they will continue to drink until they either brown out or black out or something bad happens and it is progressive. In this case, hypnosis and coaching is used to eliminate drinking altogether.

I have and I make no excuses or bones about it – the best success rate in the country in all of these areas. If you have a problem with alcohol, I am the solution.

Contact Dr. Gluck at (212) 599-3195.

Can A Person Get Stuck In Hypnosis?

There are some common questions that people ask me about hypnosis which I want you to understand right now. The first is, can a person actually get stuck in hypnosis? Which means, is it dangerous in any way or is it possible that they can’t come out of hypnosis?

The answer is that when a person is under hypnosis, they are simply in a state where their emotional brain and their rational brain have greater communication. And what happens is the level of susceptibility to new and more powerful information that will bring them to a higher degree of success that is the state that their brain is open to, regardless of what happens to the hypnotist. If he falls asleep, has a heart attack, drops dead, the person is perfectly safe and will wake up on their own within fifteen minutes.

All hypnosis can ever do is change the way you think and change your life. It’s not dangerous.

Contact Gluck Solutions at (212) 599-3195

Hypnosis for Sex Addiction

Addicted to porn online?Do you spend a lot of time by yourself, viewing pornography, masturbating, arranging sexual encounters, fantasizing about , engaging in “cyber-sex,” fantasizing about relationships in which you have total control and acting on these fantasies aggressively?

Are you incapable of feeling remorse or guilt when you lose control of your sex drive, when you can no longer view your partners as human beings but things? And your actions as devoid of consequences?

Some addicts are capable of going steady while entertaining their addictions. It doesn’t help that they’re allowed to do as they please, to keep them happy, because the habits can hurt everybody around — not only loved ones, but professional relationships.

No one can stay with a sex addict, blissfully ignorant of the addiction in between. What happens when the compulsion leads to sex with others who don’t value the sex casually? Wear and tear show. Doubts surface, especially if your partner isn’t present or near. Stalking and obsession take hold, leaving you with the inability to meet your immediate needs sensibly.

These situations may sound melodramatic, awkward, and sappy at their worst, But don’t let those qualities deter you from taking serious action. Just because life doesn’t happen flawlessly, like a movie or a book, doesn’t mean it’s not worth dealing with. They happen.

I have been a successful counselor for both couples and individuals. Listen to your head, particularly in matters of the heart and body. And if your mind isn’t in shape, then I have a strong feeling my methods could improve you and be the perfect match.

Contact Dr. Gluck at (212) 599-3195

The Importance of Your Dreams in Hypnotherapy

Woman sleeping in bedIn Your Dreams…

In past blogs, I spent a lot of time talking about sleep. But what about dreams? I’m curious about them too. If you’re one of my patients or are considering seeing me for hypnosis, don’t take any of your dreams lightly! Write down as much as you can remember. It can be thrilling. It’s especially rewarding to write as soon as you wake up, while the memory is still fresh.

I’m not a dream analyst. However, a part of any hypnotherapy is organizing and understanding those elements of one’s psyche that might be off-limits outside of treatment. Trust me, as supernatural as this sounds, your dreams can have more down-to-earth, practical benefits than you believe. Don’t let even your weirdest ones go. Let’s figure them out together.

Hypnosis and Personal Finance

Can hypnosis improve your ability to make money?Enough about love. Enough about dating. Enough about self- this and self- that. I’m not feeling very soft and cuddly. Thanks to the awful weather, I’m in a cold and hard mindset. Which is not always a bad thing, but necessary.

Today, let’s talk about money. I get many calls from people who really need hypnosis. The answer to their problem is exactly the kind of therapy that I can provide. But they back out as soon as they hear the cost. I want to assure you that everything is negotiable. If you really need or want something, money is an obstacle I’m sure you and I can try to resolve. Don’t let numbers destroy you. Don’t ignore them, either.

Even in your personal life, if finances have become difficult for you to handle, it’s possible that the roots of your trouble are behavioral. How can you improve decision-making from your everyday purchases to long-term investments? What’s keeping you from adhering to a budget? I can help you get the focus and motivation you need to get your financial foundation in order. Contact Gluck Solutions to learn how, and let’s get ready for a productive Spring.