Can Life Coaching Navigate a Mid Life Crisis?

Life comes at everyone fast. One day you are learning to tie your shoes, the next you are going to prom, next you are graduating from college. Suddenly you are married with children, a dog, and a mortgage. Men- may be your hair starts thinning or going grey. Ladies- you perhaps decide to retire those Spring Break bikini’s from college, opting for a more modest one piece instead. Then your kids get asked to prom, go to college, and though you couldn’t be happier for them, their aging only reminds you of your own. Instead of looking foreword to your birthday, you are now dreading it.

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Hypnosis for Fear of Flying

The fear of flying is called Pteromerhanophobia, which is about as hard to pronounce as it is to suffer from – especially during the holiday season. Many of us need to take airplanes to visit family members across the country, and find it very difficult to overcome our phobias.

I notice an uptick of people coming into my office for the fear of flying around the holiday. Like all phobias, the fear of flying is an irrational response to certain emotional triggers that planes provide for some people; they could be the confining space, taking off or landing, whatever.

The key to treating the fear of flying with hypnosis is to rewire the brain to emotionally process these triggers differently. As many of you who are familiar with me know, this is the science of neuroplasticity. There’s no reason why the hum of an airplane engine can’t put you to sleep after hypnosis with me, as opposed to having that engine roar send you into a mild form of panic.

For more information how to overcome fears and phobias with hypnosis please call us my office at 212-599-3195.

Can Hypnosis Improve Your Bowel Movements?

A woman with bowel problemsNothing is ever too personal to be alleviated via Clinical Hypnosis. Read this article, for instance, on how the alternative therapy I can provide has recently been proven to assist in less painful, bothersome bowel movements.

Don’t take “having to go” for granted, because when you have to and you can’t because it hurts, that’s a problem which might require thinking outside of the usual, over-the-counter solution.

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World Hypnotism Day

This past Saturday was World Hypnotism Day, a day where hypnotists all over the world celebrate and encourage the effectiveness of an all-natural treatment for life’s worst problems.

I was about to call it “therapy,” but like the woman in the following article (see link below), it’s more a “technique for change.” Its key to success is that it has such little in common with other forms of therapy, that I don’t want to confuse people.

One thing to note is the fact that still so much of the struggle for us hypnotists is enlightening people to what hypnosis is not. Like the article says, it is not mind-control or other comedic depictions you’d find in movies and television. I’m not going to make you dance like a chicken. Any hypnotist worth his/her salt treats hypnosis as a sacred treatment that will surprise anyone who gives it a try.

Click here to read the article…

Happiness on the Internet

Whenever people think of what it takes to make them happy, they conjure up images of things like their family, being in the woods, or eating a delicious meal. But no matter what they imagine, their fantasies almost always have one thing in common: it’s always in the real world.

People spend most of their time on the Internet, yet whenever they imagine “happiness” it’s never in the virtual world! This is a great problem! While I’m not the most tech-savvy person in the world, I’m also no Luddite.

A life coach, like any other person, has to get with the times. I’m not here to tell you that your cell-phone is killing your humanity and wasting your time. Technology itself doesn’t do that; only the abuse of technology does that. It’s all about balance. So I think imagining your own happiness can include reconnecting with an old friend on Facebook, or just Googling around on a topic that interests you for an hour.

If, however, you find yourself abusing technology, like you would alcohol or drugs, you can come to me for hypnosis that treats all forms of technology addiction. But as your life coach, let me tell you that it’s okay to embrace technology—as long as it’s in moderation.