Life Coaching for Teenagers

Life coaching teenagers is a subject worth mentioning. Because popular depictions of teenagers already include angst, belligerence, and combativeness, it seems Sisyphean enough to get them to listen to their parents.

So the notion of bringing your teenager to a life coach seems near impossible. I found that the unexpectedness of seeing a life coach though usually works to the teen’s favor. Because the idea seems so preposterous to bellicose or disillusioned teenagers (the type that often need life coaching the most), their curiosity is undeniable.

Once the two of us start talking, I have full confidence that I can turn the coldest, most detached teenager into a self-believer. But the crucial step is getting them into my office. So take heed, parents with teenagers: take advantage of the unusual sales pitch that is seeing a life coach.  It will work in my favor, but more importantly, it’ll work in their favor.

Click here for more information about life coaching with Dr. Gluck. Or, call his office today at (212) 599-3195.

A Message from Your Favorite Life Coach: Pretty is as Pretty Does

As a Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist for over 35 years, I have worked with a countless number of both male and female patients. One common thing that I have found with many female clients is that many women’s self-esteem is directly influenced by society’s standards and expectations for female beauty.

From Marilyn Monroe, to Kim Kardashian, Twiggy to Kate Moss, Barbie to Beyoncé, each culture has imposed this socially accepted projection of female beauty, criticizing the majority of women who do not fulfill these impossible standards and pressuring them to endure time consuming and sometimes painful grooming rituals in order to come as close to this idealistic mold as possible.

Back in the day, it was all about corsets made of whalebones, foot binding, and lye based hair relaxers that burned the scalp. Today it’s 8 inch high heels, poison based facial injections, plastic surgery, even body binding, spandex based, undergarments intended to suck the body in or pad and enhance certain curves.

Though the trends change, the sentiment that “pain is beauty” still resonates in the mind of every adult female. The pressure to fulfill the impossible expectations of female physical attractiveness, to live up to these standards of beauty, is society’s obsession, and this social obsession has driven many beautiful individuals to developing a multitude of physical and mental disorders.

Anorexia, Bulimia, Depression- all of these conditions manifest themselves as ‘low self esteem’, when in the earliest stages.  While being conventionally attractive isn’t a crime, the problem is that somehow society has created a bad habit of linking attractiveness to not only being likeable, but also being completely flawless in every single way.  The prettier one is, the more positive attention one gets, and the more attention one is getting, the more probable it is their entire lives are perfect, right? Wrong.

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Hypnosis Turns Fiction Into Fat Loss

In Michigan recently, a woman got hypnotized for weight-loss in a very interesting way. Her hypnotist, Dr. Rena Greenberg, convinced the middle-aged woman (who was over 200 pounds) that she had gotten gastric bypass surgery when she in fact never did.

Though the implications of effectively turning something fictional into a fact might seem shocking, it illustrates a central point for hypnosis: the subconscious doesn’t know the difference between the real and the imagined.

That is the crux of hypnosis and neuroplasticity; under that premise, positive behavioral change is affected. In this woman’s case, she lost her craving for sugar and her confidence boosted. As a direct result, a significant amount of weight was lost.

Click here to watch a video that tells the whole story…

If you’re interested in losing weight with hypnosis give Dr. Gluck a call at (212) 599-3195.

Hip Ways to Stay in Shape this Holiday Season

The Holidays are upon us, which can only mean one thing- goodbye short shorts, bikinis, and mini skirts, hello chunky sweaters, stretchy pants, and sweats. Even if you aren’t of Trick- or -Treat age, if you share in the spoils of your children’s candy collecting escapades or have your own tradition of perusing the drugstore discount candy isle on November 1st, you know that from Halloween through New Years, it is a binge eating free for all.  That, in conjunction with cold temperatures, seems to encourage a sedentary existence, and ultimately weight gain.

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Helicopter Parenting

There was this great video on Fox Business the other day about helicopter parenting. Helicopter parenting, for those who don’t know, is the intrusive parenting technique that stifles a child’s self-reliance.

With the baby boomers, it has become a widespread problem full of clichés. As many of you might know, I offer life coaching to new parents. Perhaps no demographic is more nervous than new parents: will we mess up our child? Will the child love us? How will we keep our sanity through all those sleepless nights?

I will assuage all those fears, and instill both the confidence and the skill that is required for successful parenting. And trust me, you won’t be helicopter parents under my watch. What makes you great parents starts out by identifying what makes you great people. Give my office a call.

Watch the video about helicopter parenting here…