Can Hypnosis Cure Allergies?

A woman with allegiesAn interesting question I’ve received recently is, “Can hypnosis cure allergies?” The answer to that might seem fairly obvious — a categorical no — but there’s more to the answer than just that.

Hypnosis is not a miracle treatment. Don’t let any sham hypnotists convince you that hypnosis can cure pancreatic cancer or make you win the lottery next Tuesday. Though it is the best form of treatment for behavioral disorders, it does have its limits.

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Can’t Meet in Person? Hypnosis Works Via Skype or Phone

Dr. Errol GluckAn in-person session is still what I recommend for a successful hypnosis treatment. It’s obviously appropriate, efficient, desirable and often necessary.

But what if extreme social anxiety and shyness make it impossible for a patient to start with office appointments? Also some people communicate better from their own comfortable space, regardless of distance, or prefer to be coached on a level of intimacy that they can only get through voice or video.

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Hypnosis To Treat Insomnia

a woman unable to sleepI have a client who came to me because she couldn’t get to sleep. She worked as a lawyer in Manhattan and every night, she tossed and turned, and would end up being dead tired at work.

Her performance at work was suffering, and she began snapping at her husband and children.

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Dating Problems? Hypnosis and Life Coaching Can Help

The issue of dating is the perfect embodiment of what I have to offer my clients because it requires equal part hypnosis and life-coaching.

Let’s start with hypnosis. A lot of problems that emerge during the quest for a mate involve anxiety, low self-esteem/low confidence, and bad memories. These are mainly psychological issues that lead to behavioral problems — poor communication during dates, awkwardness, poor sexual performance and more.

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Memory-Control via Clinical Hypnosis

Human brain glowing lateral viewForgetting is commonly seen as a bad habit. There are times, however, that you simply have to forget because they kill the joys in your life. Of course, there’s never a guarantee that the worst memories won’t resurface out of nowhere. Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t decide to turn away. There is absolutely no merit in letting the past take over.

Remember: you have willpower. If you are having trouble getting ahead, because of failures from long ago, I can coach you on moving forward. During hypnosis, you and I will not waste time with regret but get to the present immediately: Where do you want to go now? Do you know how to get there and think you have or can get the means to do so? Which memories motivate you?

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