Hypnosis and Creativity

There was a great article I read about hypnosis and creativity a few weeks ago.  It brings up an important phrase that I’ve seldom heard before: “quality of consciousness.”

For any type of creativity — artistic, professional, problem-solving — you need to first ask yourself, “What is my quality of consciousness?” Are you distracted? Are you anxious? Is there underlying depression? What is polluting your consciousness and serving as an obstacle toward reaching your creative goals? Creativity is not this palatable thing to attain; creativity is a mode of operation originating in the brain. Hypnosis can help you better reach that frame of mind.

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Life Coaching and Hypnosis for Anxiety

man suffering from anxietyA lot of people who face anxiety come to me for hypnosis and not for life coaching.

Utilizing the science of neuroplasticity and rational cognitive therapy, hypnosis can obviously go to the neurological corners that life coaching might not be able to. So if you do face anxiety, I recommend my hypnosis program for you.

However, let me tell you about the effects of life coaching on anxiety…

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Hypnosis and the Fear of Public Speaking

fear of public speaking“Pretend that everyone in the audience is in their underwear”. I can remember my mother telling me this tried and true advice through her thick Brooklyn accent before a big presentation I had in junior high school. Now if you know me at all, you might find it hard to imagine me as shy but I was very nervous about getting up in front of my fellow classmates!

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Can Hypnosis Improve Your Confidence?

confident womanFor the last 35 years I’ve been in practice, people have been answering the same question on their Client Intake Forms: “What would you like to achieve?” Before anything else, people write one thing and one thing only, and that’s ‘confidence.’

While no one explicitly comes to see me for “confidence boosting,” people do come to me to treat specific issues like drug addiction or weight loss.

So why are they writing confidence on their forms? How does one achieve that?

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