Hypnosis To Treat Insomnia

a woman unable to sleepI have a client who came to me because she couldn’t get to sleep. She worked as a lawyer in Manhattan and every night, she tossed and turned, and would end up being dead tired at work.

Her performance at work was suffering, and she began snapping at her husband and children.

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Overcoming Shyness with Hypnotherapy

The number one thing people write on all of their client intake forms is that they want to gain more confidence. One of the chief symptoms of lack of confidence is shyness. While shyness and timidity might have some relation to medical disorders in the DSM, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression, shyness is often a part of someone’s personality, and thus difficult to clinically treat.

The trick about treating shyness is that we want to improve the patient’s life without fundamentally changing a person’s personality. While shyness can inhibit you, we don’t want to change your introspection or self-reflection.

The problems that shyness often causes – most notably fear of approaching people, fear of being judged, and public speaking — are problems worth changing. They get in the way of your career and your relationships with family and friends.

With hypnosis, rather than diagnose and treat shyness, I will help you develop interpersonal and communication skills that are necessary for a fruitful and productive life. Using post-hypnotic suggestibility, I will rewire your brain so that it interprets those moments where shyness dominates as moments of opportunity, rather than obstacles. That’s the main switch, and it can be done in a few sessions. Call my office today.

Hypnosis for Stress

Is stress overwhelming you?What do you do when you have a million things going on at once? I call that needing a drink — unless you’re coming to me for alcohol.

First thing you need to know about stress is it’s like money – you need a good deal of it to live in this world, but too much can make you go crazy.

No matter how capable you are, you’re going to get stressed. And that stress will get the better of you. You’ll shut down. You might not do it consciously. Since mind and body are genetically programmed to heal themselves by cooperating with each other, don’t put yourself in the danger of letting one go neglected for so long that your overall balance goes under.

Respect the needs of both. The untapped power of the mind is only beginning to get full recognition in medical communities and media outlets. If your poor thinking is exacerbating a painful, traumatic, or generally stress-inducing circumstance, I’ll train you how to think differently so you get what you need and want.

Hypnosis is a place for you to get re-energized, see your responsibilities clearly, and act in a way that you won’t regret. Call me at (212) 599-3195 to learn more.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

When people think of hypnosis, unfortunately they think of stage hypnosis. This is not what real hypnosis is about. Hypnosis is based upon neuroplasticity, which means that the brain can actually change the way in which it receives information when put into a certain state.

During the process of hypnosis there a simply three parts. One is deep relaxation. Two is a form of disorientation where you’re really hearing everything that I’m saying but you’re in a awake and yet semi sleeping state. And the third is where I put into your brain everything that we previously discussed.

You are always in control. You always know what’s being said, and it is always in agreement with what you and I agree on.

And best of all, it works. It forms new neuro-pathways to information, removing fear, anxiety, depression, promoting weight control, the list goes on.

The bottom line is hypnosis is a science. It’s not a magic trick, nor is it something that cannot be seen by medical science such as a PT scan. Try it. Change your life.

Is Hypnosis Effective For People Who Suffer From Anxiety?

Are you suffering from anxiety? In this video Dr. Errol Gluck discusses how hypnosis can help completely alleviate the stress, worry and fear of anxiety…

Hi, I’m Dr. Errol Gluck. I’m an executive life coach and I am a clinical hypnotist. Anxiety appears in so many ways. Unfortunately, almost everyone who’s existing and walking in the streets suffers from some degree of anxiety.

My answer to that is that it’s completely unnecessary. During the course of hypnosis the rational brain is able to simply overwhelm the emotional brain so that ever experience and thought process is perceived in a rational mode.

Anxiety is fear based, and fear goes back to a place in our life where before we could filter out what’s true and what’s not true. Hypnosis is the singular most effective way to treat and stop anxiety altogether. If you have an anxiety problem, I have the answer.

To find out more about how to use hypnosis to overcome anxiety call us at (212) 599-3195.