Let’s Talk About Sex…and How Hypnosis Can Improve It

When most people talk about “sex” they do so in order to discuss issues like sexual dysfunction and sexual addiction. However, what I’d like to discuss is how hypnosis can transform ordinary sexual acts into extraordinary experiences.

Hypnosis can improve your sexual experiences because it lessens the consciousness of a person concerning self rejection and self image. What it allows is what sex should always be – playful, uninhibited, nonjudgmental interaction between two consenting adults and exploration that goes on and on for as long as each person can hold out.

Hypnosis does and can change your sex life!

For more information about how hypnosis can improve all aspects of your life contact Dr. Gluck at (212) 599-3195.

Hypnotherapy for ADHD Symptoms

Although ADHD is an over diagnosed disorder that’s been around for longer than you think, this doesn’t mean that people who are misdiagnosed are free of symptoms.

The disorder can  be broken down into difficulties related primarily to memory, focus, patience, and discipline. It’s necessary to think about what caused these problems. Why can’t you find meaning and purpose on the matter at hand in order to stick with it all the way?

The answer often lies in faulty decision-making. The better the decisions, the less likely you are to abandon, abort them, or do them half-heartedly in turn causing more conflicts.

If you have ADHD and think you might need special attention that psychiatric therapy can’t provide, give me a call. Hypnosis can be the answer that will finally help you tie all your loose ends.

In addition to coaching you through exercises and behavioral practices that improve technical abilities, I’ll also be getting to the heart of the matter. Understanding and defining yourself as you are (this is different from self-judgment) in order to live productively is a big part of therapy.

You won’t be discrediting your emotions and desires. You’ll be appreciating those you can apply towards logical, productive courses of action – the ones you can finish for good.

To find out more about how to get hypnotherapy in NYC call Dr. Gluck’s office at (212) 599-3195.

Hypnosis Can Cure Fear Public Speaking

scared public speakerI can help you improve a skill that almost everyone will have to learn: public speaking. I’ve worked with independent executives, corporate executives, educators, performers, people from all walks of life suddenly called to speak in front of the group. One thing I discovered is that the fear of public speaking is rooted in shame and guilt.

Guilt is also known as the Impostor Syndrome: People don’t feel they deserve being in the place they’re in, so they’re not confident.

In either professional or personal life, the guilt doesn’t make sense. You’re the one in a suit on stage – you deserve to be there! Think about it this way: If not you, then who and why isn’t the supposedly more important person there?

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Is Hypnosis Supported By Science

Hello, my name is Dr. Errol Gluck. I’m an executive life coach and I’m a clinical hypnotist with thirty seven years of experience. The question that most people get confused when they think of hypnosis, they think of stage hypnosis, things that they’ve seen on TV or shows.

This is not what I do. Hypnosis now is a pure science based upon neuroplasticity, based upon the brain to actually rewire itself and form new pathways that create new thoughts and a different reaction to old experiences.

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Overcoming Shyness with Hypnotherapy

The number one thing people write on all of their client intake forms is that they want to gain more confidence. One of the chief symptoms of lack of confidence is shyness. While shyness and timidity might have some relation to medical disorders in the DSM, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression, shyness is often a part of someone’s personality, and thus difficult to clinically treat.

The trick about treating shyness is that we want to improve the patient’s life without fundamentally changing a person’s personality. While shyness can inhibit you, we don’t want to change your introspection or self-reflection.

The problems that shyness often causes – most notably fear of approaching people, fear of being judged, and public speaking — are problems worth changing. They get in the way of your career and your relationships with family and friends.

With hypnosis, rather than diagnose and treat shyness, I will help you develop interpersonal and communication skills that are necessary for a fruitful and productive life. Using post-hypnotic suggestibility, I will rewire your brain so that it interprets those moments where shyness dominates as moments of opportunity, rather than obstacles. That’s the main switch, and it can be done in a few sessions. Call my office today.