When You’re Addicted, You Lose Your Free Will.

Addiction has the power to take root in your brain and branch out, affecting all aspects of your life (your relationships, your daily choices, your daily functions, your daily mood, and the list goes on). What I mean by this is, once you become addicted, or in other words, dependent on a substance, person, action, thing, etc., to gratify your needs, you are no longer in control of what is best for you. When you become dependent on a personal addiction, be it drugs, alcohol, sex, exercise, gambling, cosmetic surgery, food, etc., your brain is no longer able to freely exercise life’s most profound gift, the gift of free will.

IMG_1144In the case of drug addictions, drugs cause large amounts of dopamine (the happy hormone) to be released into your brain in areas that foster motivation, judgment, rational decision making, and self control. When such large amounts are released, your brain learns to adapt. Thus, as a result, the brain becomes less sensitive to the smaller amounts of dopamine that is naturally released when your are happy, rewarded, excited, etc. When this happens, all of life’s healthy releases of the dopamine are no longer enough to keep a person motivated.

I see clients all the time that blame themselves for where they are in the course of their life. There is no addiction that Clinical Hypnosis can’t cure. People have to understand that once a person is addicted, they can’t help but to feel that they are no longer in control of their actions. They repeatedly tell themselves that they need what they are addicted to in order to function. Your body functions the way your brain speaks to it. With Clinical Hypnosis, I work with clients to re-orient their way of thought. Call me at (212) 599-3195 to book an appointment (I offer a free 5-10 min consultation) and we’ll work through it.

Check out the links below for my other posts on addiction.

Hypnosis for Addiction
Hypnosis for Alcohol Addiction
Clinical Hypnosis for Drug Addiction
Hypnosis Treatment for Drug Addiction
Hypnosis for Exercise Addiction
Hypnosis for Gambling Addiction
Hypnosis for Sex Addiction
Hypnosis for Sexual Addiction
Hypnosis for Cosmetic Addiction
Hypnosis for Food and Weight Loss Addiction

Caitlyn is Happy, That’s All That Matters.

When I was thirteen, I took my first job developing x-rays at a local hospital. It was then that I came across an x-ray of a baby that was born with both male and female sexual parts. The child’s parents were told to make a decision, evidently choosing the fate of their child’s future. Thereafter, I learned that one in every thirteen babies are born with signs of both genders.IMG_4751

Caitlyn, born Bruce Jenner, is the ultimate Olympian and champion. She was a hero then and is a greater heroine today. We are all born into bodies that belong to us – not to the world. We are all born to be uniquely different – not obliged to conform to who the world tells us to be. We are all entitled to our own form of happiness regardless of whether or not the world shares or understands it.IMG_4753

You need to be who you are.

Let me reiterate: you need to be you are really are. You will never be happy being someone else because you will never be good at being someone else as good as you could be being yourself.

I sit here genuinely happy for Caitlyn, for having overcome her fear and for having been so brave in moving forward with her life. Welcome to your new chapter in life.

I’ve come across a gamut of clients in the past 38 years of working in this field of hypnotherapy, hypnosis, and life coaching and I must say that fear has got to be one of the more extreme life debilitating issues people face. Fear of what the world thinks, fear of judgement, fear of acceptance and fear of being honest about what you want and who you want to be keep people bottled up as they slowly suffocate themselves into misery.IMG_4752Reading and witnessing Caitlyn’s entrance into this world in this day and age is a breath of fresh air. For anyone who knows there’s something more for them out there but can’t quite grasp what and who that person is, come see me and we will meet him or her together. Let me tell you, there’s more of you to be found.

Dr. Gluck

Overcoming Major Anxiety Issues through Hypnotherapy

If you’re one of the 8 million Americans suffering from anxiety, I bet you’re located in or around New York City. Although it may not necessarily manifest itself as a panic attack, anxiety is enough of a broad topic to be frustrating when it manifests itself individually! It can be fatal the moment you cast the experience aside. Don’t do that anymore. Don’t take your prescription medications obsessively, blindly, trying to combat the damn anxiety; knowing deep down that the pills probably aren’t working anymore, but you don’t know what else to do, they’re there, you’re scared, you’re told they’d work, so you take them.

I don’t blame you. Needless to say but necessary to reiterate: the pills don’t always get to the root of your problem. If anything, their cost causes greater anxiety. And you may say, well, it’s also costly to get at the root via an all natural method. But listen: if you do get to a state in which you can expend whatever is necessary to get to the root, then you should: The benefits are permanent and will save you the rest of your life.

Of course, you know where I’m going now: Hypnosis. And no, hypnosis is not talk therapy. Talk therapy can go on forever. Hypnosis is structured, with the goal of treating you fully and efficiently in a short amount of time. Neuroplasticity, the science behind hypnosis, physically changes the way your brain will associate certain information so, what once induced stress and anxiety will now leave you cooler than a cucumber. Your anxiety might be unique and entertaining, but that’s no reason to let the pain continue. Want to make it stop? Call my office at (212) 599-3195.

Clinical Hypnosis for Drug Addiction


Whether you’re afraid of judgment, are avoiding pain or anger, or are lost in self-exploration that’s grown a little too “trippy,” drug-abuse is self-abuse.  Hard to believe, but despite all the information out there reminding everyone to “just say no,” the abuse rate of both prescription and non-prescription drugs isn’t decreasing. The reasons are often related to intensely personal difficulties that can only be dealt with through private, in-depth, one-on-one counseling.

In the 40 years I have been practicing hypnosis in NYC, I have been more effective than conventional rehabilitative facilities in curing addictions to heroin, cocaine, cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. Treatment is not what most people expect! There are no swirling discs involved, or any attempts to get you “very sleepy.” Drug-free and non-addictive, Clinical Hypnosis is rooted in rational cognitive behavioral therapy and in the concept of neuroplasticity, conducted through the art of executive life-coaching.

On average, therapy for drug addiction should take at least 3-5 sessions. The duration depends on how severe the addiction is, along with how intent you are in recovering. Unlike other programs, your individual experiences and patterns of character are taken into utmost account. If the motivation to “get clean” is as difficult as recovery itself, then that’s where you and I will have to start (I am willing to work in conjunction with a physician, if necessary). Regardless of where you are in recovery, that you want to come out for good is good enough to act on your interest in what hypnosis can do for you. Give me a call at (212) 599-3195 to set an appointment.

How Does Hypnosis Happen?

A popular question people have when inquiring about hypnosis is, “What’s the process like? What’s going to happen to me?”

Remember, nothing is going to happen to you. You are in charge, conscious, and your own person the whole time. As for the process:..

Hypnosis is not a one-size-fits-all type of treatment. I cannot emphasize this enough. I tailor the treatment based on what you and I discuss about your life.  The first session is mainly devoted to laying the background so that, on the second session, I can employ the most client-specific induction as possible.

During hypnosis, you recline on a couch in my darkly-lit office so as to maximize your physical comfort. Your eyes will be closed and you will have taken any sips of water necessary. You are at your peak comfort level and one hundred percent relaxed. Great thing is, you’re not asleep! I walk you through a guided meditation. In a calm voice, I suggest you imagine certain things (exercising your mind to make new associations between experiences and emotions). It lasts about half an hour, and when it’s over, you will definitely be drowsy. However, you will still be alert – maybe more so – and self-possessed, with a subconscious that has been tweaked for the better. The changes are cumulative and permanent.

Interested in Hypnosis in NYC? You must be! There’s tons more to learn that can’t be put in writing alone. Give me a call at (212) 599-3195.